Monday, May 14, 2012

"if all the chips market development of vibrant TERA Gold "if all the chips market development of

129810431496562500_48 <a href="">Diablo 3 gold</a>Raised VC change role NetEase tech news on May 9, according to foreign media reports, the partnership investors Union Square Ventures VC bodies fuleide·weiersen (Fred Wilson), recently said that, as the chip market gradually established, venture capitalists should begin to shift roles. In the past decades, venture capitalists in the investment processGain an upper hand in. Traditionally, their areas with sufficient capital in entrepreneurial companies with the most powerful energy. Union Square Ventures invest fuleide·weiersen think that this situation could reverse, VCs should rethink their roles. Wilson United States 9th in the Grind in the morning local time WoRK speech to a group of entrepreneurs in the space to the General Assembly. He said from the world since the middle of the 90 's, annual pump 30 billion dollars into the venture capital industry funding, but the VC is only less than half of the returns (based on United States National Association of wind investment data, 2007 annual flows to VC funds have begun to reduce in the future). "At present, VCCapital surplus in the field, we only need one of these professional investor to invest effectively half. "Since the middle of last century 90 's, venture failed to exceed the public market. More money more problems there are VC investors have reason to stop the market downturn to rethink his position, Wilson said the recent inflow of new funds has exacerbated the market recoveryDemand. Wilson said that in the past 5 years, total angel investments have increased by 5 times, to Russia and countries in the Middle East as the representative of the international funds have more entered the venture capital company. Recently adopted all the chips (crowdfunding) Bill will bring more money into the market. If United States each family come up to raise their investment capital 1%,Will be able to raise up to $ 300 billion dollars, equivalent to 10 times the current startup capital in the area. "This is a bad thing for the venture capital industry, but is good for entrepreneurs. "Wilson adds that" in the past 20 years, market focus has been from the venture capital industry tilt toward entrepreneurs, this trend will continue. "Professional venture capitalists should be soughtNew direction. New Wilson said of the venture capitalists TERA Gold, funds in the market more and more, venture continues to accumulate capital is not reasonable. And because VC returns cannot be more than half of capitalists should reconsider the allocation of capital in the market have. He also said that venture capitalists can join the Board, become a consultant to continue to practice management. WeirYEUNG Sum said, VC chose not to in the future, investments will reduce and even investments will stop, they should focus more time on to the actual management and advice. Meanwhile wow cd-key, Wilson has also raised above the level of the creation of new ideas in the field. Wilson said: "if all the chips market development of vibrant, capital will no longer be financed in a way, the market will appearMore interesting investment tool. "Scenarios that may arise in the future is that startups need to raise $ 10 million venture, however, only requires one-tenth and 90% collection of sets. VCs Board ways in which you can participate in operations management. When growing chip market, "venture capitalists can retire. , "Wilson said. (Chu nan) Others:

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