Sunday, May 20, 2012

they want to go to the road Diablo 3 gold they want to go to the road - ATZK

129809336065680000_1055On May 3, "Kunlun holding" front gathered a lot of requirements and the old owners of the real estate company dialog baoyi · Lai King was hit in the British County Sales Office was a mess of millions · English County some owners wish to Belleview washes up on the national highway obstruction to traffic on May 3, Hangzhou Kunlun Teana owners of old banners "housing" developers on May 4, Hao seasons old mansion owners in HangzhouHand sit in "housing" developers, the same night, any developer a substantial price cuts, zhenhai billion · Belleview Sales Department of English County, about 400 owners stuck in the door, taoyao, May 5, Hangzhou Jiangnan Ming Court and old owners, gathering to sales offices, and laid a wreath at the "housing" developers. A few days in a row, adjacent to Hangzhou, Ningbo put on "housing", and fusesIs the price fall caused great economic losses to the old owners, developers refuse to compensate the difference. As a matter of fact, so far this year, nearly 20 such events have occurred in Hangzhou. We cannot help but ask, developers cut prices if you need old owner of compensation the difference, whether the rights of owners of old laws, in all kinds of "room" behind the reflecting social problems and how to solve? YesterdayReporters from different parties made a detailed investigation of this. Reporter Ma Jiali Sun Bo photographer of Shi Jian lofty [events]-hang-Yong adjacent to both put on "House" event of zhenhai new sale price, owners hit the sales office is located in zhenhai billion · lijing-English County, was developed by millions of Sino Land Company Limited, the evening of May 4, because of dissatisfaction with the developer a substantial price cuts, about 400 men oldOwners plugging in millions · lijing gate of the British County Sales Office, taoyao. Owners proposed three solutions to developers, check out losing money, and is not permitted to price cuts. The three scenarios, developers did not give a definite answer. In a negotiation, thanks to the dissatisfied with the Sales Office of a head in response, many owners were outraged. Owners think that developers do not have good faith, collective into salesFloor, roof video monitoring after it has been damaged, then owners of the sales Hall sand table down sth At about 11 o'clock that evening, reporters drove to the scene. At a distance of millions · Belleview sales office near a British County intersection SWTOR Credits, together with a large group of people. A noise, heard the most was "losing money" and "check out". One owner surnamed Zhang said, they want to go to the road, butStopped by the police, "in fact, we don't want to do anything, just want to pass road-blocking Government attention way, developers head out to solve the problem. "Then this reporter went to Yi · Belleview English County Sales Office, Sales Office sitting at the door of two police officers Rift Platinum, back room has 5 days talking to police SWTOR Credits, two security sales office is cleaned, other staff members have left. Reporters saw, Sales a mess hall, Chair stagger on the sand table model of the building destroyed, video surveillance on the roof were also damaged. A police said, too many people, several hundreds of people rushed in, stop stop. Ms Tam is 34 years old, she and her husband came from Hunan, has been working in zhenhai branch luotuo. In November last year, she took out all the savings and borrowed from relatives and friendsPoint, and finally make it $ 500,000, Yi · Belleview English County Sales Office paid a down payment. To have their own House, Ms Tam is very happy. But on May 4, Ms Tam has heard of millions · Li Jing Yingjun's price of the building, and got so very ill. Ms Tam when they buy a House is 11,000 yuan/sq m, is now 7,800 Yuan/square meter, 103 squareM House has shrunk to about 300,000. "Sales staff keeps on saying that the House will not cut prices, now suddenly drop so much, this is who can afford! Compensation is necessary. "Ms Tam said, hard work to earn money, is to have a House, finally bought it, 300,000 short. "Life can only buy such a House, half-year depreciation 30And really do not want. "At two o'clock in the morning of the next day, and end in police mediation, owners began to disperse. Hangzhou meditation, banner, three days, three "rooms" and zhenhai was first put on the "House" event is different, Hangzhou nearly three days, put on three shows in a row "houses", and the scene has become spectacular. On May 3, the Kunlun Hangzhou Stadium road holding companiesFront, gathered a group of consists of sixty or seventy people of Kunlun mountains nature old owners "defending" team, they wore a uniform shirts, wearing a mask sitting on the steps in front of the company, holding in their hands "Kunlun fraud" hand signs and banners. Compensation to require developers to post a statement. On May 4, Hao four seasons Palace play ad prices slashed in Hangzhou, the old owners gathered toHong holdings group, Zhejiang Hangzhou qiutao road downstairs, holding the "check out" hands, and cried "Ho fraud" slogan, require developers in compensation for the difference. On May 5, binjiang district, Hangzhou Jiangnan Ming Court making a minimum breaking millions of real estate price reduction messages. Time and sales offices were crowded, while the new owners to make money quickly for fear of falling, one side is the old owners gathered at the door,Banner sent wreaths requires developer compensation for the difference. Reporter learned that, the three encounter "housing" developers, prices are relatively strong, compared with the second half of last year, the price amounts up to 2000-4000 Yuan/square meter. "If a House of 100 count in just half a year, losses as high as three hundred thousand or four hundred thousand dollars. "Kunlun nature old owners to Lee said. TheSale old owners believe that their sudden loss of hundreds of thousands of, in addition to their judgment skewed on property prices, a developer also has inescapable responsibility, "irresponsible and deceptive words, let us fall into the trap they designed, this loss should be borne by the developer. "Yesterday afternoon, the reporter was connected to the Southern Court of Ming Zhou fangfang, head of real estate sales,She told reporters that the company's woes "room" is heard, before the price, took the initiative to send the old owners had "become owners of books", depending on the current situation of the property market and the country's policy, fall in house prices is a general trend, "hope that the old owners can understand the pricing behaviour by the developers. "Zhou fangfang said yesterday, the old owners have submitted written demands for compensation, she will beTransferred Head Office executives on Monday, "believes that integrated companies from a number of factors to consider, finally to the old owners a reply. "However," "if its personnel after injuries, property damage, two developers have unanimously expressed reserves the right to pursue their legal responsibilities. At the same time, also hopes that the old owners cognition situation of the property market, understand the market operation mechanism。 12 «» Others:

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