Friday, June 15, 2012

according to a Bloomberg news report Rift Platinum according to a Bloomberg news report - OVGA

129823442318906250_30RIM Global Sales Director Bruce Spence quit NetEase tech news on May 24, according to a Bloomberg news report, troubled RIM once again suffer brain drain Diablo 3 CD-KEY, its global sales director patelike・sipengsi (Patrick Spence) has resigned. According to the spokesman for the RIM ruibeika・fulaiboge (Rebecca Freiburger) revealed that RIM has worked 14Bruce Spence of the year engaged in a variety of industries. Fulaiboge said in an e-mail, from the beginning this summer, our sales team will be kelisidian・dier to the RIM's new Chief Operating Officer (Kristian Tear) report; and before that Diablo 3 CD-KEY, the team reports directly to CEO tuositeng・haiyinsi (Thorsten HeiNS) report. Geins took office in January this year is trying to solve weak sales and declined issues, RIM of the current situation makes it difficult to attract and retain talent. As part of the restructuring plan, Geins high before the appointment earlier this month Sony Guan Dier post of Chief Operating Officer. He was also appointed manager before fulanke・buerben (Frank BouLben) as the company's head of marketing. The company is counting on revitalization of its Smartphone business BlackBerry 10 operating systems, recovering lost ground. RIM revenue decline in the first quarter on 25%, in which United States market revenue tumbled more than 50%. According to market research firm ComScore data, on the RIM in the first quarter in the United States share of the Smartphone market reduction to 12%, farFar behind the top two competitors. Android in the market share of 51%,iPhone is 31%. RIM shares rose today not to 1% Rift Platinum, closed at 11.09 m, but it's only since the beginning of this month, the unit grew for the fourth time. The company's market value in the past year have lost three-fourths. (Lebang.NET.CN) Others:

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