Saturday, June 9, 2012

the Philippine Foreign Ministry said in a statement Diablo 3 Gold the Philippine Foreign Ministry

129834133967296250_18Beijing TERA Gold, June 5 in the Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Liu Weimin, 5th on the current situation on the huangyan Island said when answering a reporter's question Diablo 3 CD-KEY, huangyan island in the lagoon has no official Philip vessel, Chinese fishing boats in the lagoons of the job situation normal, no further disruption. A reporter asked: recently, the Philippine Foreign Ministry said in a statement, official shipping between the two sides have been in the Philippines withdraw from huangyan island in the lagoonFrom the. Have any comments on this? China considered the huangyan island after easing the tension continued to arrange for official ships stationed at the huangyan island and maintain a State of alert? Liu Weimin said that Chinese official vessels have been in huangyan area according to the needs of law enforcement Diablo 3 Gold, management and services, deployment and unattended. China and proper solution to communicate directly with the Philippine side of events. Others:

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