Monday, November 21, 2011

it had one of its top three winners for the month Chongqing. Those two years

129626138761250000_1586Yonghui supermarket secrets of baiyiji Enterprise average close to 50% growth At noon on October 6, West, gulou district, Fuzhou City, yonghui supermarket screen shop. Except gate there a very narrow rivers, locals is called "coastline" or MOSS, the supermarket look and other supermarkets are no different on. Go inside, supermarket covering an area of 1000 square meters, furnishings and colleagues more or less. Unique special place is that the supermarket lookA bit more. Vegetable and meat fruit, almost every growing vegetables have people standing in front, other areas less, cash desk in the front row of ten people. This supermarket nearby and there is no University, just some ordinary residents of the community. This store in passenger traffic is not just that right now, but have always been large. Therefore in 2008, its revenues of more than 60 million. A "fresh"Over its predecessor, Fuzhou is the" Fuzhou screen fresh supermarket in the West ". In 2000, yonghui supermarket (601,933. SH) Pinus Zhang Xuan, Chairman and General Manager Zhang Xuan Ning brothers set up the store and fresh as a flagship. Yonghui supermarket dictionary, fresh food into vegetables, fruits meat, live fresh and chilled and dry goods six categories. For the time being, fresh half its surfaceReserve, it replaces the functionality of farmers ' markets, like the other supermarket selling all kinds of energy dissipation. Brothers "fresh vegetable market" soon of consumer recognition, one yonghui supermarket in Fuzhou City out. At the same time, they develop life capable of self-support and direct production of fresh. The so-called proprietary, the said fresh food products, yonghui supermarket Basic is to supplyBuyout; direct mining yonghui supermarket and direct production or breeding of farmers to make trade in these products, skipping all the middlemen or wholesalers. Mainstream model in the industry, especially in the areas of fresh, supermarket market procurement, procurement is not bought but associate, supermarket in accordance with the turnover of collecting a point, and if there is any loss, such as Apple or fish are dead, Losses borne by the supplier. 2003 end of, yonghui supermarket opening 15 outlets in Fuzhou. Later opening stores, business area larger, 3,000 square meter, 10 diablo 3 gold,000 square meters, 5,000 square meters. Elimination of categories like fast due to fresh products, increases various brands can infinitely expanded. Fresh one-third of the district area is reduced to a store or even smaller. But today, Yonghui supermarket sales, more than half still fresh contribution of health. In this period, yonghui supermarket growing wild in Fuzhou; delete its counterparts in other provinces. At this point, it is difficult to judge the respective mode is better yonghui supermarket buyout and direct production, brought a lower purchase price than peers at the same time, must bear the loss itself; many of which are cash transactions with farmers,When in gave up occupied vendor payment convenience. "Mad Wing fai" establish themselves in Chongqing spring of 2004, yonghui supermarket in Fuzhou to take shape, startup teams to start thinking, the next step out expansion. At that time we discussed the two roads: Fuzhou, Fujian is fully under way; gradual development in Fujian province, more priority should be trans-provincial expansion. Zhang Xuan pine adhere to the second, andWent this year has Beijing and Chengdu and Chongqing investigation. He thinks is, go to the market capacity and the development prospects of the city. When he went to Beijing to live in Fujian Beijing Office, watching the huge "Imperial City", he was not the end; when contrary to Chongqing, he determines where the city started around Chongqing, dusty, but not as developed in Fuzhou,Xuan song that he can control the situation. Zhang Xuan pine and it didn't take much effort, persuaded the team agreed to this decision. Grounds that "if we lost in Chongqing, that affects the Fuzhou base camp, please? "Everyone's answer is consistent: No. So, go to Chongqing shop! Yonghui supermarket in Chongqing encountered the first problem is, he can not get good storefront. Finally got the Guanyin bridge shop,Two floors underground. It diagonally opposite the straight line distance of less than 200 metres is a ground layer of Carrefour. The other side is the boss of retail industry in Chongqing, Chongqing department store, supermarket, owned by. Lasted two years this puzzle: yonghui supermarket in Chongqing first 5 stores, 3 stores or second floor in basement. When the store is checked, fresh Division of the person. This fresh DivisionAssistant Kevin Lin, was in mountain city one when his national example purchasing raw goods, adapting food in Chongqing and climate. Other people will not work, all of whom were ill. In October 2004, the Guanyin bridge officially opened. At the beginning of opening, some see yonghui supermarket on the ground in such a perfect place, began covering more than 5000 square stores, gives the "crazy Wing fai" nickname. But through the initial difficult later, the shop survived. In 2007, the Guanyin bridge shop revenue of billions of dollars. Yonghui supermarket expansion in Chongqing is cautious. 2004 opened a store, 2005 opened 2 years, and in 2006 only 1. In this process, the exploration of Chongqing peopleEating habits, understanding in Chongqing after purchasing the most suitable products. Kevin Lin counting people in Chongqing eating habits: "Chongqing people eating pepper, an family of three, Zanthoxylum each month to eat 2 kg. Others sell 98 from Zanthoxylum bungeanum maxim, we sell more than 10 more than one pound, a lot of people to yonghui supermarket one-time buy 5 kg 10 kg of Chinese prickly ash, which stimulate the sales of other goods.Chongqing people like pumpkin, where a large shop can sell a dozen tons a day of pumpkin, Fuzhou to all shop a month or more. "The next two years, yonghui supermarket accelerates the rhythm set up shop in Chongqing. In 2008, it had one of its top three winners for the month Chongqing. Those two years, yonghui supermarket is also slowly opened in other cities in Fujian province, the end of 2008, the company's total operating income for5.6 billion. National territory beginning in late 2008, yonghui supermarket in Chongqing have their footing, this time set before startup team choice is: Chengdu or Beijing. Zhang Xuan pine and continued the logic of the last selected Chongqing, he believes that expansion of Chongqing to Chengdu and followed expansion into Xiamen, Fuzhou, Quanzhou, similar, and he needed a new area diablo 3 gold, was also more competitive areas, to try outWhite matter Wing fai can only be successfully in Fujian and Chongqing, is also popular in the country? WSA remains unsatisfactory storefront: six bridges in Lu Gu stores and shop. The latter after four rings, were more than 10,000 sqm, empty for two years so that no one rents. After signing the first, more than fresh food departments who also have a dedicated development department. Yonghui supermarket after signing a new city storeWill let development go to local farmers market research, understand the locals eating habit and then by fresh purchases by procurement. Lugu small residential area shop was set up in June 2009, no amortization Beijing headquarters management costs, profit in the year. Yonghui supermarket admissions fresh be thorough in Fujian and Chongqing, the tactic of Beijing citizens also impressed. As dispatch, yonghui supermarket in Beijing has issued10 stores, and another 10 have signed up stores during its preparation. 2010 yonghui expanded into Anhui Province, Guiyang, 2011, tianjing and Nanjing, Zhengzhou and Shijiazhuang shop shop opening. Then the next step is to move into the Northeast. Zhang Xuan pine admits that started it was said, "Wing fai expanded too fast too radical. "On this, his excuse:" in fact, our expansion is very cautious. I'm inOf Fujian, Chongqing's leading only expand in Beijing, outset has two stores. Now Beijing is taking hold, I already have three distinct regional did a good job, they form a triangle, Anhui, Henan and Hebei in the Middle, you can say that I am quite sure of. "The rapid expansion in these two years, thanks to a landing a shares late last year, yonghui supermarket NET raised 2.5 billionMore about 1.6 billion of which is used to open new stores. It can then move the 3.2 billion bank financing, average open a shop to spend 20 million dollars, the money to open 240 stores in the country. Popularity rose after listing, plus the accumulation of brand before, yonghui supermarket began telling China vanke, Wanda, longhu, national real estate developers to reach strategic alliance, the developers at the time of rental property, will also beWing fai on the preferred list. This yonghui supermarket can batch got the good store of save the shop a shop talk about troubles, also lowers risks of store location. Yonghui supermarket signed 32 stores in the first half of this year, the average area of 13,000 square meters. Senior told reporters "these stores, from area was, more optimal than before. We takeIn the new region after the main big stores (an area of more than 10,000 square meters) format. "In 2010, yonghui supermarket revenues was 12.3 billion, plus the income level was acquired in three regions, now coming on fast eliminating suppliers, to label yonghui supermarket national suppliers, which means that yonghui supermarket will have more and more faster elimination of the National Association of purchasing price. Many factorsSuperposition is the result of the first half of 2011, Wing fai operational income 8 billion, an increase of 43%; operating profit of 270 million, an increase of 95%. Super billions of scale enterprises, their still can keep doubles operating profit growth after, a shares can say are rare. But Zhang Xuan pine view, Wing fai can say now is "national expansion trend is very clear, By this time next year, we can only say Wing fai is a national supermarket. ��

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