Sunday, November 27, 2011

of which

129668652432343750_13024th diablo 3 power leveling, adjusting urban and rural areas, of research by Sanya City Government Executive meeting residents of basic medical insurance policy of the law.  This reporter learned that, starting in 2012, Sanya and two stalls respective funding criteria of insured persons increased from $ 270, $ 190 to $ 400 and $ 320. It is understood that from 2012 onwards, urban and rural areas in SanyaA standard financing for adults is 400 Yuan per person per year, of which, the central financial assistance of $ 108, provincial financial assistance of $ 28, municipal financial assistance of $ 144, individuals pay $ 120; financing for two adults and no personnel standard 320 Yuan per person per year, of which, the central financial assistance of $ 108, provincial financial assistance of $ 28, municipal financial assistance of $ 134, personalPayment of $ 50. Weekly recommended reading insurance: insurance-funded four-quarter gallon to secure five years yield 3.6% life up down October 142.05 billion insurance automobile insurance insurance funds substantially increased attention high definition low pay and no accountability, tails woman deposits being hoodwinked cover 100,010 China staff-month increase in risk capital investments 1420.500 million insurance policy – suggestions China insurance regulatory Commission new Chairman on the basis of the relevant policies, Sanya hospital treatment adjusted to: a financing in accordance with the standard fee, level 90%, level-II hospitals pay ratios than 80% paid (formerly 75%), tertiary hospitals pay ratios 60%, the maximum payment limit increased to $ 150,000 (original $ 120,000) in accordance with the financing of second gearFee diablo 3 gold, level 85%, level-II hospitals pay ratios than 70% paid (formerly 65%), tertiary hospitals pay ratio 55% (formerly 50%), the maximum payment limit increased to $ 100,000 (originally $ 80,000). Outpatient and manpower standard of treatment adjusted to pay no deductible, don't qualify the payment number, according to 50% (formerly 40%) paid each yearA $ 250 (the original $ 200), the second gear $ 200 (formerly $ 150). Policies to expand the scope of serious illness and improve the standard of treatment. Eastern Mediterranean anemia in treatment of major diseases in children diseases, outpatient blood transfusions and iron discharge its Drug Coverage included co-ordinating funds. Women with breast cancer, cervical cancer, and treatment of mental illnesses and opportunistic infections in AIDS patientsInto major disease areas, implementation of disease kinds of limits. At the same time, raise major disease hospitalization reimbursement standards (including child major illness): secondary designated hospitals increased to 85%, the three-tier hospitals increased to 80%, the annual maximum payment limit increased to $ 200,000. Major disease regardless of their pay grade, are compensated according to this standard. 9 types of rehabilitation of the disabled projects into urban and rural residents in baseHealth Insurance Coverage. Outpatient small surgery also included in the basic medical insurance Coverage for urban and rural residents, including ophthalmology, ear, nose and throat, general surgery, external choledochoscope in clinic of surgery, included co-ordinating Coverage of the Fund. In addition, the practice of outpatient pay per head, according to payment system for serious disease. (Trainee journalist Lin Fangdai)

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