Monday, November 21, 2011

Invest $ 500 million jianghuai automobile announced in the Brazil factory Xinhuanet

129626179159687500_2005 <a href="">diablo 3 gold</a>Invest $ 500 million jianghuai automobile announced in the Brazil factory Xinhuanet, October 9, Xinhuanet Brasilia October 7-Brazil jianghuai auto company 7th public notice announced that the company decided to invest 900 million reais (about US $ 500 million), Brazil Bahia build an auto assembly plant in the Northeast. Statement said, auto assembly plant is expected to be commissioned in 2014, production capacity of 100,000 vehicles a year for cars and trucks,Will create 3,500 direct jobs for the local. Notice also said that the plant will mainly produce 50,000 reais (about 2. US $ 70,000) the following vehicles, and to the fittings of all produced locally. Jianghuai automobile quality and low price for the flagship strategies open up Brazil market diablo 3 gold, January-August this year exported cars 1. 440,000 vehicles per cent far beyond industry average. However, theBrazil Government announced in September, to raise the industrial product tax on imported car 30%. This measure makes imported cars are facing a severe test, because the price of the car if you significantly increase, some auto makers may be forced to exit the Brazil market. Jac also said in the announcement, Brazil this protectionism against the World Trade Organisation rules, are deliberately eliminatedCompetition and discrimination, and calls Brazil Government canceled strict new rules.

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