Sunday, January 1, 2012

Collins get all the up to 28 points 6 rebounds. "Now

129667750476084142_166 <a href="">swtor power leveling</a>Last night, with the duo Yi Li and Hu Xuefeng's outstanding play, southern steel team at home to 103:96 Lectra Dongguan new century, the first win of new season. New season, the southern steel team start to the season two, the new foreign aid not to, internal and external troubles southern steel team needed a victory to maintain the stability of the soldier's morale, and this win is very timely. Hale and more terrible old Hu alternate carefullyFans found that Hu xuefeng the old republic power leveling, two games could be played alternate, which is in fact coach Xu Qiang Hu Xuefeng protection and beat substitute Hu xuefeng instead a spurt of energy. Last night, winning at Nangang, old great credit to Hu. Last night, 31 year old Hu Xuefeng again played the role of team Saviour, 20 12 tackling plus 7 rebounds and 6 assists for the magic data for SouthBoiling steel Stadium, while Nanjing iron and steel with excellent Hu Xuefeng terminated since the start of the season to play two season. Such data is nearly 20 12 6 7 season was the first person – one can reach this level is precisely Hu xuefeng, that once he had completed all four pairs! "Before the season, Hu xuefeng less training system, and heAge and injuries had a certain influence on him, so after the new season begins, we will let Hu Xue-get some rest. "Before the start of the season, southern steel ladies first team coach Xu Qiang has been the case. Indeed, as she grew older and injuries accumulated, Hu xuefeng State some decline, "this season, I'll give Hu Xuefeng's playing time set at 25-30 minutes, so Hu xuefeng's status will be guaranteed. "Xu Qiang explains. Xu Qiang Hu Xuefeng protection, Hu Xue in the two games in good condition. "I understand the coach's efforts, in fact, not is not important for me to play first, the most important thing is the team to victory, I was able to meet the old team member responsibilities. "Hu xuefeng's modest said. Talk about thisStart to the season, Hu xuefeng has not forgotten to encourage the team, "this year's tournament disadvantageous to southern steel team, and our little foreign aid is also experiencing the twists. Trust us, we will be able to get out of trouble. "Hu Xue says. Stand up Yi Li reacts banner at Nangang as Tang Zhengdong has gone, get old Hu xuefeng, have proved their own State in the national team became the SouthUndisputed next-generation core of steel. However, in the first two games of the new campaign, is easy to stand while playing good, but the team suffered two season. We faced the same two season of Dongguan, stand alone had 22 points, in particular at key moments repeatedly put on a scoring play, helped the team win the first win of the season. This match, standing almost omnipotent. He can burstBroken, the audience has won 9 times free throw opportunities; his third fatal knife knife; his third dunk was ignited an atmosphere of the room; he also grab a whole second high 8 rebounds, which reflects his ability to do core. While his scoring ability and critical time nature killer is the reveal core qualities. "Team in a difficult period now, I as a captain mustIn difficult times to come forward. Although we start is difficult, but we will have a fight, never live up to the players we have high hopes. "Li said. Coach Xu Qiang Li's performance was also recognized, he said: "the State in the national team after the exercise, his unparalleled. "And kept out of role of the State is also reflected in the, former player Song Kangming to Jiangsu in Dongguan, Before the team somewhat misunderstood. But after Song Kangming South steel has a feeling of home. "Dog brother (Yi Li) they to me are very cared whether training or are usually living with me, I really want to thank the dog brothers who take care of me. "Song Kangming said. Last night, Song Kangming Dongguan, very positive, he was given 2 minutes and 2 rebounds."I started to practice basketball from 19 years of age, basic skills are not so good, so I'm Southern steel team to make the following Xu Qiang guidance technology with their dog. "Song Kangming said. Create misunderstandings and ancestral avatar dunk players despite the team failed to reach expectations, but jiazuliqi without fear for their jobs, at any time to leave Collins played under stress levels, but jiazuliqiBecame the only dunk of the big fella. Qiang Xu stressed again and again, jiazuliqi was a blue-collar player, fans don't hold too much hope on him. In heats and preseason games, but the jiazuliqi also is showing a good shooting touch. Who knows, by formal, jiazuliqi has totally lost, including the game, jiazuliqi did not vote for a grain of CICWhile his score can only rely on dunk after the pick and roll, or the basket grabbed the rebound for the second time after the attack. "If I let him space, enjoying his hits also. But to the official competition, after a certain amount of interference, rhythm completely without his shooting, only that he is in the NBA are blue-collar workers, attacks he did is not good at. "Xu Qiang explains. "JiazuliqiDunk quite domineering, but in addition to Dunk, he does not attack. He's just dunk players. "A fans ' ridicule road. One of the injured foreign aid Collins knows that in the southern steel team, not much time left, he is very jealous of marches every opportunity. Yesterday he as first appeared, the first festival have done badly, but in the second half, as Collins for a person, he dislocated the singles Calderon, JoseOwn way, fourth section he once took over the game, and seems to be found in the NBA that year effect style. Last night, Collins get all the up to 28 points 6 rebounds. "Now, don't know when will the new foreign aid to, Collins state recovery is definitely a good news for us. "Coach Xu Qiang said. It is understood that Collins's contract was signed in late November,If you cannot find spare tires, southern steel team is considering to Collins to renew a short-term contract. -This page Express Reporter Shen Chen

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