Monday, February 6, 2012

129724941994456844_39 - HTV

129724941994456844_39"The magazine Roundup" on January 30, bona bona, owned by Starlight online announced, bona theater will be the first to introduce a "film ratings system", itself subordinate theater showing film ratings, provides a viewing guide to the audience. News, buzz immediately raised many bona cinema in favour of this practice, even some withApplause for it. Some home-made movie is raised frequently in recent years of attention and controversy in the community.   Because the vast majority of the film was released without any viewing tips, some careless parents with children entered the theater, resulting in frequent small audiences be scared to cry, dilemma of having to fly the Coop. Bona star says bona theater will implement "viewFilm classification system ", the existing permit are showing movie ratings, before the tickets are for children and older the audience a hint. "Grading system of grading content apart from the movie itself, to emerging technologies such as 3D movie watching also gives advice. Bona cinema film classification system should not only take into consideration the child audience, for a growing number of older audiencesAlso an advice is given. "The launch" film ratings system "of mind, Boehner Theatre market and General Manager of Jinbo explains that movie review scaling relaxed in recent years, is good for filmmaking and the audience, promoting the film industry and prosperity," but there are some plot of the movie, the screen is not suitable for all audiences. We want to develop within the companyA grade standard, different movie ratings, provides guidance for the audience viewing suggestions. "Jinbo particularly stressed that the move is mainly to improve their service levels, and not to develop any industry standards. He revealed that at present "film rating system" is now underway, cinema release will be looking for the right time, is expected to be launched around the end of February. In additionIn order to avoid misunderstanding, this "film ratings system" does not appear in the "bans and restrictions on" sort of words.   Although Boehner cinema proposed film classification system, is not typically the film classification system, but continues to enjoy the support of the industry and the audience. Famous director he ping expressed support for the move: "cinema or cinemas own rating is a good thing,Viewing for children and a different audience groups recommended. "Director Li y also believes that" clothing style of adults and children, not to mention the movie? Support!   "There are still many viewers said that although bona movie rating of the movie is a film reminder, embodiment of humanistic care in the service but it is also a movie theater, and commendable. Some bona theater do a theater peerLaw agree. "Although we do not have to develop film classification system, but at the time of booking for the audience to be prompt. "Poly and cinema Marketing Manager Zhang Huailin said bona theater initiative to implement viewing ratings, embodies a social responsibility, which is the maturity of the performance of Chinese film. But he also pointed out that "there are some cinemas in order not to affect their own box office interest, would deliberately avoidedThis problem. "There are concerns that implementation of the" film ratings system "could reduce the box office receipts bring to theaters operating pressure. Zhang Huailin view on this is that number now mainland release of the movie, movie suggest that they view others for their film, in fact, will not have much effect on theater box office. "Author: the magazine Roundup"(Editor: Enami)

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