Monday, February 13, 2012

swtor Mercenary Commendation power leveling the League has been seeking relaxation - CDM

129731621439377500_36Village of Dingzhou UN Security Council Beijing scholars Syria 4th will be put to the vote on the draft resolution on, Russia and China vote, the Bill was rejected. From January 31 Council to discuss procedures, draft 5 days around Syria since the issue erupted in March last year the most intense game of the round. The vote not only Syria situation more complexMiscellaneous, and had a deep impact on international relations. Ins and outs of the matter, thought provoking. Within this draft resolution from the Council's only Arab countries of Morocco submitted, France and the United Kingdom, and Germany, as well as drafting the Arab countries concerned, and the United States actively supports. Which is easy to see swtor Mercenary Commendation power leveling, surrounding the Syria issue, Western countries continued to expand against Syria regimeThe front, particularly on January 28, the League of Arab States announced suspension of its Syria after the Mission's operations, the League has been seeking relaxation, within the framework of the regional settlement of Syria problem efforts, under increasing international pressure and Syria under the squeeze of the internal conflict, have been unable to continue. League hope Syria crisis of leadership had been forced to go. When aAnd Russia has been on Syria strongly questioned the developing trend of the situation and the opposition. Some aggressive offensive in Western countries, Russia Permanent representatives to the United Nations Churkin said in a strongly worded in the discussion: "Unfortunately, some in the international community of influential members of the Security Council, Syria on the issue, political solution to the damage from the startOpportunities. "Churkin, how you Russia on this draft resolution from the overall offensive intended to use. On the initial content of the draft resolution, Russia strongly opposes the four aspects: first, request "regime change", Syria President Hafez Al-Assad to power in the second, the wording of the text there is a tendency to external military intervention; and the draft condemns only against the Assad regime, but does notFor the opposition; four, Syria's Government and opposition preconditions for dialogue, which essentially space squeeze to ease the conflict. In Russia and other countries of the opposition, is committed to the draft and make appropriate modifications. But Russia and other representatives say cannot be accepted. Russia represents Churkin believed that Russia's four-point principle, the latter two are still not reflected in the draft article. This led to theImbalances, not just of the draft. China is also considered draft one-sided, you need to modify. In this case, Russia and China continued to discussing the draft proposed by the representative of the Council, but the 4th, the draft is still strong disagreement of the parties in the case, were forcibly put. During this period there are two notable cases. The first situation is that before the vote on the draft SyriaOf violent conflicts. Syria provided by the opposition, the Syrian army shelling of Holmes city, caused the deaths of more than 300 people. If it is true, it is Syria situation deteriorated the most malignant in 10 months of bloodshed. However is that Syria officially denied the claim, Syria representative at the United Nations said that swtor valor power leveling, during the draft under discussion, only to lose your headGovernment would do such a thing. But Syria official excuse, Western media with the opposition on the rendering of the casualties, the voting coincidence with the addition "over-the-counter" public opinion support. Second, Russia and China, representatives of political efforts to resolve, as soon as Russia has said it would send officials to Syria, although the purpose of this line is notGel tera gold, but the intention is evident in its political good offices. However, the country has forced the draft "rush." One knows not to vote for it, its results were rejected, the political resolve Syria efforts to further impact of the crisis. After the vote, from American and European public opinion to rally as scheduled. United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit to the fierce attitude in the way,Responsibility for failed to vote, together with Syria possible deterioration of the situation of responsibility were to left to cast a veto by countries, while blow to Syria crisis with horns. This echoes, France President Nicolas Sarkozy speech on 4th said France would take further action, started consultations with the countries of Europe and the League of Paris to establish "Syria contact group"In search of possible ways to resolve the current situation. Such a move worthy of great attention. Last year the United Nations Security Council passed the Libya 1973th after the resolution of the problem, in France and other countries under the lead of, set up "Libya contact group", claiming that is responsible for the implementation of United Nations resolutions. Russia said the contact group was illegal. Now, a needleSyria in the making of the international contact group, which will result in a number of countries Syria bypassing the United Nations and the international community on the problem of practice? This tendency to avoid or another negative cases in international relations. Now, Syria still have a chance of a political solution of the crisis, from both internal and external conditions. Syria internally, respect for public opinionEcho people's changing requirements and demands of protecting their own interests, substantive dialogue, to avoid substantive, stop bloody clashes, in a peaceful manner materially advance the political process, it is still possible to avoid the situation completely out of control. As regards the external environment, to prevent the stronger force, more fuel to prevent, in order to promote change, to avoid to take force. Otherwise, the SyrianAsia and the prospects for peace would be unbearable. (Editors: Zhang Renhe)

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