Tuesday, March 20, 2012

tera gold the ROK and the DPRK access communication - ILK

129756711732812500_1175Beijing, March 7 in the six-party talks, the ROK LIM, Sungnam, head of 7th trip to the United States, attended by United States Syracuse University-sponsored seminars on the Korean peninsula. As Li Yonghao, Chairman of the six-party talks and was invited to the Conference, and had arrived in New York on 6th, six-party talks with North Korea the players took the opportunity to "further contacts inside and outside at the seminar" subject of public concern. KoreaMedia 7th message saying, "half-half" nature of "Korean peninsula of peace and cooperation in East Asia workshop" 7th "in private", held in New York. Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and trade, the Minister for peace on the Korean peninsula, Han LIM, Sungnam, head of the six-party talks, North Korea's Foreign Ministry Deputy Secretary, head of the six-party talks on the DPRK Li Yonghao also was invited to the Conference. LIM, Sungnam date of departure to the United States, Yonhap InfomaxCiting Korea Government official as saying that South Korea "ready to deal with meeting preparations". The officials said if North Korea had the opportunity to make contact tera power leveling, will restart the ROK-DPRK dialogue and discussion on the North Korean nuclear issue. 6th arrived in Li Yonghao, Chairman of the New York party said in an interview at the airport, during a visit to the United States has no plans to meet with LIM, Sungnam. But his Outlook on the six-party talksMake a "positive Outlook". It is reported that, during the ROK-DPRK delegation stayed at the same hotel. This media speculation, the ROK and the DPRK if not held a formal meeting, may also be conducted on-site or at the seminar hotel "touch" and "Exchange with depth". End of the seminar, representative of the six-party talks with North Korea in the 10th United States foreign policy National Committee (NCAFP) sponsored a symposium on. Recent United States participating in the third round of DPRK-US high-level dialogues on behalf of Davis or Clifford Hart, Jr, Chairman of the six-party talks the US side may present. Korea public opinion believes that key officials in South Korea, the United States and Korea may engage in a series of contacts in New York. DPRK-US dialogue, ROK-DPRK dialogue is considered to be important steps to return to the six-party talks. DPRK-us at the end of February in the NorthHeld after the third round of high-level dialogue, North Korea announced the "pause" the nuclear program in return for us food aid. While slowing moving in the beautiful atmosphere of dialogue and tera gold, situation in North Korea because of us-South Korean military exercise, the ROK Army soldiers humiliating events such as North Korea's Supreme Leader of continued tensions. Under this scenario tera power leveling, the ROK and the DPRK access communication, to restart dialogue between the two sides, much concern. (Editors: Zhang Jun)

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