Sunday, March 11, 2012

wot power leveling Scotland's 200 million pounds of assets - XES

129756355824687500_264World Wide Web Reporter Li Na reports, according to Singapore on March 7 of the Lianhe zaobao world of tanks power leveling, Cambridge University's latest annual report shows, the school up to 4 billion pounds of assets, is the United Kingdom's richest universities.  Cambridge staff and students number about 30,000, the sum of assets equivalent to Cambridge with assets of more than 130,000 pounds per capita (about 1.2905 million yuan). OtherIndia press trust, 4th report, the data more than the world's richest country of Monaco, the latest data show its per capita GDP was 108,400 pounds. Joint morning post report said, second in the University of Oxford, assets for 3.3 billion pounds. If you exclude Oxford University and the University of Edinburgh, Scotland's 200 million pounds of assets, of the University of CambridgeAssets are the rest all United Kingdom twice times the total assets of the University, United Kingdom University of the disparity. But the report also points out that wot power leveling, if the United States compared to assets sit on is not the boss of the Cambridge location. United States private Cambridge, Harvard, Stanford and Yale universities than rich. In addition, several public universities, including the University of Michigan University of Michigan is better than money, University of Cambridge, MichiganUniversity assets of $ 4.9 billion pounds last year wot power leveling, 900 million pounds higher than Cambridge.

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