Saturday, March 10, 2012

wot power leveling "ready to make your content available anywhere - SCO

129756341068281250_4Introduction: United States Developer's site WebMonkey today published a signed sikete·jierbosen (Scott Gilbertson) article says, as tablets, and mobile application development, future networks will become invisible, but more and more powerful, can consolidate all things together, but it is difficult to directly feel its existence wot power leveling。 Following is the text of the article: Apple's iPad is expected to be released tomorrow the third generation. Is not difficult to imagine the technology industry executives on the new enthusiasm for this new product wow!   Look, this is a new computer! Meanwhile, I want to know where this enthusiasm also easily Apple can take this break the boundaries of computer use and Internet access. For developers,To break such limits will be an exciting time, but also will create a lot of difficulties.   For our current assumptions about the network mode and development direction, which would become one of the greatest challenges. Through the promotion of touch screen devices, Apple has been promoting the network to a number of new directions. In the process, it has also changed our behavior, habits and expectations.Gave up the mouse forced the developers to rethink a lot of things it seems taken for granted in the past of course I can activate the drop down menu by hovering the mouse, what's not? Now, you know the answer.   This is not a minor change, but fundamental changes must be fully fit. New this year what impact changes to network? No one knowsRoad, but the network has now become less like a thing that exists in the browser, but more and more like there is something in between different things. Networks of tomorrow will become invisible, but more and more powerful it can consolidate all things together, even if the network is no longer a one day something can be accessed directly by all devices, it is still to play forUsed. Not long ago, the bulade·foluosite (Brad Frost) had to say to developers: "ready to make your content available anywhere wot power leveling, everywhere, as they will be. "As RSS and API development, this trend is becoming a reality. Through these techniques, content can be published in the first "page" achieve push outside and crawl. Is expected toThis trend will continue, and as the user continues to switch between different devices, platforms, and technologies, that will become more common.   Android applications cannot run on iOS, Windows compatible Metro does not Spark tablet, but there must be something to link these devices. Isolated applicationsStatements, the network has become a channel of information exchange. Make·amengde (Marco Arment), Instapaper, the site can store page, easy offline reading, and you can synchronize between iOS and Kindle. Instapaper is a Web application? Is iOS application? Is the KindlE-services?   Both. When native applications even when the platform access points, is still an important part of the network.   This is likely to become increasingly invisible in the future, less obvious, and regardless of the browser, but is integrated with key elements of all things. This does not mean that the browser will go away. Browser as alternate functionFor some time. As long as the Terminal still exists, we still need a way of compatibility with different devices and platforms to access the network. If the iOS to disappear Amazon (micro-blogging) cut off Kindle, you can still use any browser equipped with a device to read articles in Instapaper. Contrary or if the network disappear, InstApaper application will be isolated, unable to contact. "The network is beyond the scope of the browser, and is still expanding to new areas. When entering a network TV, what will happen? When sharp increases in screen size, network takes what could be done? If we want to use the voice commands interact, network and how to change it? Soon, Android devicesNow on the dashboard of your car and eventually, the car itself will also have the API. For example, your car can communicate with the car dealer: after authentication in, make an appointment can be repair. It's perhaps another API can also be used to push the appointment to your calendar application, and perhaps with the help of Siri voice control API asked what time the most appropriate, withScan when your other arrangements, and to provide the best advice. In this situation, where we see today's network? It's just a series of API to exchange information with each other. The network we know no longer exists, but the network is still there world of tanks power leveling, in virtually all contributed to this. But after all, we still call it the network because: it consolidates thisCut. As you are reading through a functional mobile Opera Mobile browser, is also using the latest shiny iPad application Instapaper get information is no longer important. Network has been ubiquitous.

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