Saturday, March 24, 2012

tera power leveling not as scenery old horse - ZGB

129764912173593750_32Li Xuelin or spinal injuries to play full House: end of the season and then slowly treatment Jingjin fifth war, Shanxi on Marbury's defense strength will increase for the Beijing team, has one of play will become more important, and that is the team's other "brain"--Li Xuelin. Hsueh-Lin Lee for the Beijing team just how important, look at the playoffs he played time will know. First round of guangsha, he is playing 35.3 minutesRegardless of the team's first four games in Shanxi province, he was to play 42.8 minutes, fourth war was full of all of them. "Time is a little long. "Hsueh-Lin Lee said with a smile. Semifinals, Li Xuelin's performance is very comprehensive, were able to cut down 6 points, 5.8 rebounds, 4.5 assists, and 2 tackling. Third, under Li Xuelin grab individual CBA career high 10 rebounds, for he only 1.75 m, was not easy. "I am not a steal, I picked up 10 rebounds, HA HA. "Li Xuelin and team-mates joked at that time. After the game tera gold, returned to the changing room Li Xuelin lies directly on the ground, began to accept the physical Division of Cox massage. Spell for 47 minutes, some of his spinal injury response�� According to Li Xuelin themselves say, spinal injuries when his actions now will be very painful, before the match he will want to pay attention not to hurt yourself. "Body feels better diablo 3 gold, hurt, after all, not a good, or do you want to pay attention to safety. But on to the pitch regardless of 3,721, and forget. "Hsueh-Lin Lee said," in fact, manufactured with the ball when hit they will protect themselves, such as how to lie down,How to support it, even when these things in Taipei before practice. "Seeing Li Xuelin so desperately, min lulei very moving. "Forest while scoring no more, not as scenery old horse, but he's no worse than the old horse. "Min lulei said," the third field, Shanxi (first class in China), I told him today that you are ready to play, said Lin ' minMe listening to you, my physical ability to play 48 minutes. ' You said players can give coaches that stand, what else can I say. "Now, Beijing and Shanxi to the fifth race tera power leveling, Li Xuelin may still be playing full House, although the spinal injury has not healed, but he said the current most want is to help the team to go farther, spinal injury has nothing. "HorsePhysical fitness teacher explained to me, my waist injury will be fine. "Hsueh-Lin Lee said," but now just the card to the playoffs, won't be good, after the end of the League, I will then slowly treatment can cure, is to spell it right now. �� Others:

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