Wednesday, March 7, 2012

tera power leveling and mode of the Samsung go vertically integrated industry chain - NDP

129742938797968750_93Animosity between giants, total is given too much imagination. This time, the protagonist is Ms Wang. "Plastics King" woman of illustrious descent, with international giants Pulpo is 20 years and there is little experience of defeat them one by one, HTC was founded in 2011 to $ 33.8 billion market value beyond the Nokia ($ 32.84 billion), she andHusband Chen Wenchi to 6.8 billion net worth of us $ defeated "King of the global Foundry" Hon Hai Chairman Terry Gou to become the new "Taiwan's richest man" ring, enough to support one of the giants of the circumstances are ups and downs Magnum Opus. She wielded the HTC and now is Taiwan Science and technology industry have high hopes of a new star. The origin on behalf of factory on the road to transformation of enterprises in brand,Compared to Taiwan enterprises, Yiji is smooth, then chance, in Smartphone OS wars, as a representative of the main standard-bearer against Google and Apple.   Eventually on the last sitting United States number one position in the Smartphone market.   If you draw a full stop, this is just another "inspirational" story. Things, of course, not so simple, especially in intellectualMobile phone – HTC and Ms Wang battle, once Steve jobs of Apple and Korea's Lee family of Samsung. Even look up to God as jobs go, Apple did not intend to let HTC. On December 20, 2011, United States International Trade Commission (ITC) judgement: finds Apple iPhone HTC violations of patents。   In fact, since last year the patent war is spreading continuously between the two giants. In addition to patent wars, 2011 HTC sales fell in the fourth quarter, sales in the first quarter of this year is expected to continue to slump.   Stock market roller coaster can be used to describe, in April 2011 Super Nokia HTC market, after only 7 months, 60% shares have fallen off. No surprise.HTC's fastest man, one of the many advantages from it, including the earliest established close partnership and Google, as well as the oldest occupation in LTE product United States market. However, the signs of crisis, brought about by the first-mover advantage "window period" began to disappear. Rival Apple and Samsung on it eye covetously, implemented through the upper reaches of the patent and suppressed, HTC high-End smartphone market setback clearly, a direct result of 2011 quarter revenues plummeted.   And in 2012, more good cost control of mobile phone manufacturers committed to killing in this market, formation pressure on higher-end models, product focused on high-end, brand is inferior to Apple's HTC to bear the brunt. Thus, market on HTC failure led. More worrying,Is that failure will not stop as the new HTC models listed, this failure is actually a long term failure of the hardware manufacturers on the mobile phone industry. Immediately after Google, a lot of content and Internet service providers began to focus on intelligent terminals, in order to better promote their services and content, they choose how cooperation or launch their own low cost Terminal, adhering to this modelAmazon is considered to be another giant of the Valley after the Apple. Today, the Smartphone market are two of the Big Apple and Samsung, the business model is unique and should not be copied. In addition to Apple "software hardware services" model, and mode of the Samsung go vertically integrated industry chain, the rest of the hardware manufacturers find it difficult to see the real crack problemMethod, this will cause them to decline or end up being marginalized.   Rising star HTC is clearly both models could not be copied.   Worthy of being Taiwan business legend of Wang Yung-ching's daughter, Ms Wang, Chairman of HTC this not seem, even in such a heavy question, she set a more ambitious target for HTC--a first in the world. To achieve thisGoal, spanning two gouqian.   First, from the perspective of industry background, HTC as latecomers, need to be looking for a breakthrough in a stiff resistance and, second, how to maintain and expand as Taiwan's first OEM enterprise restructuring of brand value. Any of the gully is difficult to cross.   She has its own solutions, but she can copy past success? See KingEnd of Red snow and Peter Chou, HTC "teeth"!   First she and management team on stage singing rock songs, then Taiwan when pressurized singing stars Xiao Jingteng took power, in front of the lens of the media has always been gentle CEO Peter Chou photo rushed the stage, also improvisational dance, which scream fest. Similarly at the end of this scene eq2 plat, sheStaff motivation says: HTC company is a dream, the dream is done first in the world!   Peter Chou is also fuelling the 2012 directly defined as a company "great leap forward" of the year. This really can't compete with the outside world to describe the link ceiling zero, almost every media reported it in the United States is patented by Apple war extrusion market, profits fall, share prices plunged, suggesting thatThis through the rise of the smart phone mobile phone manufacturers of roof, good times not a few years, you have exposure risk.   Outside air, HTC desire more intense internal success, they found a method of dealing with trouble? Face of the Chinese entrepreneurs, she ask. On the decline in the fourth quarter of last year, she explained: "the high-tech industry is notInto the fall, we are in fact some needed progress in space. 2nd, our strategy didn't do well in some European countries. "Moreover, the immediate difficulties in no way her feelings, she says she has never been made. What's more, she has found for the immediate difficulties exporting, the answer is that in Barcelona (February 27, will be held in Barcelona, mobile worldWill).   Next stop: looking for "cool" these days, there is speculation that HTC in Barcelona's "secret weapon". HTC will release the world's first quad-core mobile phone messages do not appear to be focused on, she and interviewed many executives for this yourself, just hanging appetite CMO Wang: "as a consumer you will think: Wow, Was originally to have more good tricks! HTC how to think. In this way, do not buy a HTC to buy what? "Until that day comes, everyone was asked to silence, HTC hopes will be able to get the explosive repercussions, we may be able to get from the General Manager of China Ren Weiguang clue:" over the last two years, mobile phone manufacturers as long as you provide a goodIntelligent terminal was already ahead than others. But this year, cloud computing will be the focus of our breakthrough. HTC before most manufacturers offer consumers the best solution. "HTC internal employees speculated that the solutions and HTC Sense (Note: the Sense is that HTC Android system is betterImprove the user experience and provide UI design) are closely related. If HTC aside the initial advantage of other factors (including good relations and all major operators, and cooperation between Google), its success is still one thing cannot be ignored: by improvements to the Android system provides a better user experience-this is the HTC Sense。   Mobile phone interface with animated weather, mobile phone flip mute, are commendable Sense of experience. She is also one of the faithful experience. She has at least 3 minutes to show her on the phone, "fancy feature" look similar "enthusiasts". "For example, I use this thing, you see all of my kids photo hereSurface, for example when driving, I want to call my own freedom to choose, and everyone can quickly to call. My E-mail I can quickly go out ", however, with more involvement of the Internet include telecommunications carriers for mobile Internet, on the Android system and they want to be able to do the corresponding quadraticDevelopment, change the user experience, which will make the HTC Sense of superiority is no longer so prominent, let alone also has the ability to mimic extremely strong manufacturers in China. In the past year, HTC launched after the portal, Sense began to be endowed with more meaning. Sense users started with books, music, videos and other "cool". In Europe, theHTC has and KOBO eBook Web site to establish a cooperative relationship, through a "reader" to HTC user with e-books. Such partnerships also extend to different areas such as video manufacturers. And then, HTC Sense will be extended to the field of control of home entertainment center, mobile content wireless adapter output to your TV.The HTC vision, smartphone into a Portable Media Center, and Sense will be hosting all platforms.   Purpose is to provide consumers with the best solution and make it feel better.   This is of course not hit upon initiatives. In early 2011, HTC Ren Weiguang took office at the beginning of Chinese area General Manager, he once asked Peter ChouSuch a question: "after five years, where you want the HTC pull? "Peter Chou replied:" I hope that five years from now, when you go to the consumer, which is the coolest mobile phone companies provide? He can think HTC. When there is a new technology introduced when Microsoft, Google tera power leveling, operators, the first partner of HTC. If the two points are done,Is HTC's success.   "If the break to get market recognition, HTC will not only be able to jump out of the mire, it can once again find relative advantage, and Peter Chou, HTC will become" cool "-this is the highest praise for a tech company. Take the platform: "1" experience later became an industry leaderNecessarily subversive forces, such as Apple.   Cloud end, dream template for all manufacturers has long been the industry apparently does not support Ms Wang pursuit in the world of dreams, but it seems to Ren Weiguang, in the cloud with, or at least the HTC back to a security window. She dreams of blueprints, HTC took to the road of KingsAnd Google to Rome: HTC Sense platform, combined with numerous partners to become an inclusive, open platform provider. She is familiar with this way. In fact, the HTC grow rapidly in just a few years, reaching today's achievements, first comes from and the cooperation of the Giants. Founded in 1997, HTC, originally as WhitneyUsing contract manufacturers such as PDA, after seizing the opportunity first introduced in Microsoft's mobile platform operating system, Microsoft and became the first manufacturer. Later, because all the major manufacturers have communication functions of the PDA are not interested in HTC to find United Kingdom telecommunications cooperative, launched the first Smartphone, that's far away in 2002. All of the accumulated before, seems to be all about results gOogle, because experience, Google will soon select HTC as the research and development of the Android operating system vendors, after that, HTC with Android operating system on the market far, become familiar, new mobile phones. Although this was the daughter of the legendary, but she's professional experience is with its ownMopagunda came all the way, her character tera power leveling, confident, straightforward and humble always find it very good. She described the HTC and the cooperation of the Giants: "partners like Qualcomm, Microsoft, Google, very often, they may be reluctant to authorize other manufacturers, but they trust me. Because he found a lot of things that we may study better than they canGiving them a lot of surprises, where his progress. "Even though most HTC phones based on Google's Android operating system, she will think this is a reciprocal cooperation," We value each other, HTC phones do better than Google themselves, and all application HTC and Google, and this GoogLe happy, their original purpose was to give users a better experience. HTC is doing one of the best. "" HTC to good luck, a lot of opportunities. So we dare say that they experience enough, leading technology, we have a lot of the world's first. "She said. Is the cooperation of this quiet nameless Taiwan small plants a chance, "Chinese sectionTechnology, mainland China, and Taiwan, later than others. And contract up, slowly lay, with stronger partners need to I. "But never had made cooperation in the world. In 2011, the Google acquisition of Motorola mobile, mobile camp changes happening all the time, balancing the Android camp began to shake,Android now pattern of this break is not without risks. That same year, Microsoft and Nokia Alliance making Windows Phone System reinforces this concern.   Thus, Samsung and other powerful manufacturers while continuing to use the Android system, are accelerating research and development has its own operating system. For self, it is said that HTC is also an inquiryThe operating system. She said: "when the customer does not require me to use the system, bring value to customers, is what I consider the first issue. "This is a risk, but the King's confidence comes from she is used to look at things from a long-term perspective, she had more pressing things to do:" smart-phones is just the beginning, Google of course, other people can also go toDoes. Maybe can be innovative applications, combined with the OS as a whole make a big.   "She said that line of thought, may be the Sense of platforms and multiple acquisitions made last year. Ms Wang in 2011 on most of the effort in finding the right company. "Half a year, I looked at more than 100 companies. In various ways, sometimesInvestment Bank introduced me to a group of companies are interested I'll then take a look at, sometimes call their visit and have a good understanding of their technology, and cross-learning. "In order to better understand the expertise, the Taiwan women's richest men also take time to read newspapers, magazines and books.

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