Saturday, December 3, 2011

accelerating the pace of development in recent years China's bond market

129667840531552892_311Recently, led by the culture and technology industry of Shenzhen huaqiang (000062) group has in the Bank of China (601 swtor power leveling,988) Association of market transactions between registered three-year $ 2.5 billion medium-term notes, huaqiang group injected new vitality into the overall business development. And that's just the bond market in China support the development of cultural industries in microcosm. Industry experts also said that in the culturalReform and development of cultural industries as a premise of a national strategy, more culture science and technology industry of Shenzhen huaqiang holdings will be concerned in the bond market. It is well known that culture industry is an important part of the national economy in recent years, is becoming a new growth point of economic development, rapid development of cultural industry urgently needed financial support. However, the cultural industry in GeneralTimes smaller, emerging cultural enterprise funds in assets long payback period and other characteristics, resulting in cultural industries have always faced predicament of insufficient financial support. Industry experts say that, as a direct financing of a main site and important component of China's financial market, accelerating the pace of development in recent years China's bond market, the scale has grown, the bond market financing and resource allocationFunction continuously deepening and developing, its more important and prominent role in the economic and financial, is also growing all aspects of attention. Dealers Association officials recently said that culture in the interbank bond market through the issuance of short-term financing bonds, medium-collection of bills, bills, and other non-financial enterprises financing such as debt financing vehicles. Relevant data show that for culturalEnterprise financing difficulty, Dealers Association since its establishment, in all its aspects make positive explorations, increasing direct debt financing support to cultural industries. Is the issue of short-term financing bonds support cultural enterprises, medium-term debt financing tools such as paper, provides a large number of cultural enterprise with a stable financial support. As of November 22, 2011, cultural enterprises TrojanIssuing debt financing vehicles 127, raising $ 114.45 billion; the second is to explore the establishment of cultural enterprises credit promotion mechanisms. Dealers Association to promote the establishment of debt in credit promotion company and active play big role of professional bodies such as debt-credit promotion company, provides culture enterprise credit promotion service, not only improving the culture of corporate debt financing vehicles in the open marketIs satisfied that to ensure smooth issuing of the culture of corporate debt financing vehicles, while also reducing the financial cost of cultural enterprises; three is the study of cultural enterprises registered issue of "green channel" mechanism, reducing registration time, improve distribution efficiency, so as to encourage active participation of cultural enterprises bond market financing; four is the small size of the business assets against emerging culture swtor credits, monomer bonds difficult to successfullyIssue status, study on the launching of cultural enterprises SMEs collection bills, nearly a year, has introduced in Shijingshan district of Beijing cultural creative, Xian collection bills such as cultural and scientific and technological small and medium enterprises, provides 8 small and medium cultural enterprises with capital of $ 269 million support; five is actively carrying out research activities on the ground, understand the culture of enterprise and business characteristics and terms of financing practicalDifficulty; six are actively carrying out innovation in service activities for cultural industry class members, held a symposium on cultural industry class members, class members help cultural industries grasp the pulse of the economy and policy, combined with the cultural industry of such member's own property to choose the appropriate bonds, dissemination of successful experiences, the cultural industry leader, building the communication platform for cultural industry class members to provide timely and effectiveInformation services. In recent years, the interbank bond market has been the inclusion of cultural industry mainly focuses on Central enterprises and local cultural industry leading enterprise financing provided strong support. Overseas Chinese town group as the leader of China's cultural industries, 4 years in the interbank market cumulative issuance of non-financial corporate debt financing vehicles $ 16.4 billion, effectively supporting the continued healthy development. In additionXian Qujiang cultural industry group is the development of Shaanxi cultural industry leader and the organisation in June this year the successful launching of the first $ 1 billion short-term financing bonds, achieve a Northwest cultural enterprises through capital markets success key. Above the head of the Dealers Association, Association will actively implement the people's Bank of requirements in the future, continue to support culture through the inter-bank bond market thawingFunding. By exploring the characteristics of cultural industry, come up with effective and innovative measures, accelerate launched cultural enterprises registered issue of "green channel" mechanism, and create a support environment supporting of cultural industry of debt financing, increase the speed of cultural enterprises financing, effectively expanding the scale of culture financing, improving the culture of enterprise financing structure. Further in-depth discussion activities,Visit cultural enterprises, appropriate efforts to solve the financing problems of cultural enterprises, power, rapid, and healthy development of cultural industries.

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