Tuesday, December 27, 2011

the right seed the Board was informed that in Gansu province

129668631892343750_117China's second-largest corn seed "auspicious first" is suffering a nationwide private breeding to have indiscriminate effects, at least 62 kinds of affiliates in the infringing activity, including China national seed group, Dunhuang seed industry (600,354), and other famous enterprises. In November 2011, a real report letter submitted to the Ministry of agriculture, counting"Auspicious first" breeding by illegal copy. "Auspicious first" is the second big advantage after zhengdan 958 's domestic maize new varieties, the variety right person to Institute of science in agriculture in wuwei (), which authorized limited and seed industry in wuwei Gan Xin Wu seed industry in wuwei city technology limited liability company production and management, "auspicious first", Huang Wenlong owned by persons breeding "Lucky first "total distribution rights. "Auspicious first" have access to varieties in Henan and Gansu province.   On January 1, 2011, by the Department of agriculture plant variety rights certificate, variety right number is: CNA20070293.9 and authority of the Ministry of agriculture, protection of new varieties of plants. However, Huang Wenlong told reporters: "2011" lucky first"Legal breeding only about 20,000 acres, but the actual production in more than 300,000 acres, another 280,000 acres are illegal and irregular breeding companies without permission propagation system. "Gansu daily reported October 1 this year," (2009), "lucky swtor power leveling, first" seed production area of more than 300,000 acres, (2010) to promote an area of more than 30 million acres, sales in the country of jadeRice finished third. "This reporter interviewed persons the old republic power leveling, authorized to carry on business, the right seed the Board was informed that in Gansu province, breeding for many well-known enterprises to participate in the infringement. Among them, Dunhuang seed industry cultivation of infringement "auspicious first" acreage to be almost as much legitimate variety. More bits to be interviewed objects have told reporters that reports submitted to the Ministry of agriculture for almost 3 months, agricultureNever give back, haven't heard suits on measures to combat illegal reproduction. Who has seen the above reports of breeding expert said: "this may be a infringement of domestic breeding industry's largest-ever. "62 companies infringing companies are private seed in Hexi corridor" auspicious, first "seed to empower enterprises only two as reportedPeople's concerns, this original has not received such reports. But as far as this reporter has learned that this report letter detailing alleged infringement "auspicious, first" seed lists of specific companies, privately breeding systems "auspicious first" area as well as the legal representative of the enterprise.   62 companies famous actor in State-owned enterprises, well-known private enterprises, as well as listed companies. "Auspicious first" variety right peopleTold reporters that the "China national seed group in Zhangye and Dunhuang seed industry subsidiaries engaged in a" propitious, first "seed set of cards. Among them, Dunhuang seed propagation of 10,000-20,000 acres of a subsidiary of infringement, China national seed group Zhangye infringement propagation of 5000-6000 acres. "The variety right who said, in addition to these two companies, other companies have production 7000-8000 acres, has seed in Hexi production enterprises. Huang Wenlong told reporters: "this year the ' auspicious first ' seed production area of 300,000 acres, the Gansu daily newspaper has reported. "Retired fellow of Chinese Academy of crop, maize expert ping Tong Asia said:" the ' lucky first ' area of acreage in the country are based on production projections。 "Authorities say ' lucky first ' seed production area of 300,000 acres, and kinds of production of about 150 million kilograms, calculated according to the acres sown seeds of 2.5 kg, can be grown in more than 60 million acres of corn. "Even a fold, calculated according to the 30 million acres, this variety in national corn acreage should be ranked in second place or third place. "2010 top"Auspicious first" front 335 for zhengdan 958 and jade, jade 335 for the United States improved varieties of pioneer international limited breeding, meaning "auspicious first" is the second home-made corn seeds. However, "auspicious first" Henan Yuan Qiang said: "this year, the ' lucky first ' breeding base of 500,000 acres, producing 500 million pounds of seed, you canSome 100 million acres.   Last year, came in second place, breeding may be the first of the year ". But in the more than 300,000 acres of figures are hidden behind a startling fact. Huang Wenlong said the breeding area of about 20,000 acres of legitimate businesses, legitimate only two breeding enterprises, is a branch of seed industry in wuwei city technology limited liability company (seed industry), anotherWuwei Gan Xin seed Industries Limited (Gan Xin seed).   "Enterprises in seed production of Hexi corridor ' auspicious first ' seed, they mix of technologies is used by us, so they certainly Torts". Is China's most important base for maize breeding in Hexi corridor, leading Chinese corn seeds company China national seed group, denghai.NET seed industry (002041), Dunhuang SeedIndustry production base is concentrated in the region. Many were suspected of breeding systems "auspicious first" maize seed not only violations of the rights of intellectual property, but also bring to legitimate enterprises on breeding seed distribution hit. Huang Wenlong said that last year was more than $ 6 per kilogram of seed, sold $ 5.5-5.6/kg only this year. But this year's seed jiuhe to 6 Yuan/Kg. Huang Wenlong said: "last year's ' lucky first ' breeding there are a hundred thousand of acres, propagation of the variety has made such a big amount, prices will come down. "Yuan Qiang also said:" now go haywire, infringement is very serious, seeds of alleged copyright infringement has been circulating throughout the country, have a great impact on legitimate seeds. They (Enterprise of infringement) suits, our formal CanalRoad to do but they.   "Yuan Qiang said," auspicious first "have an advantage over zhengdan 958, stable yield, disease resistant, high yield, this is likely to affect the country's corn-growing trend. Many companies without permission propagation system "auspicious first", a tremendous amount of "Black households" maize seed sold a large number of circulation will also face a "identity" issue, never dared to blatantly "Lucky first "names for sale. Huang Wenlong said, there is no production License not sold. However, the counterfeit business is own tort seed market.   These enterprises will seed varieties that are already at their respective companies of infringing names listed for sale, and thus we got away with supervision and combat. Many sets of cards into the stock market, huge hidden risks. "Lucky first"So far only varieties in Henan and Gansu province, in these two provinces is a legitimate plant varieties, in other provinces have not been audited. Without official accreditation, meaning that the variety is most likely not appropriate for local planting, farmers can suffer a great deal of risk.

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