Monday, December 26, 2011

Moody's said

129667889720459142_303 <a href="">swtor power leveling</a>Global event this week in United States Red reduction talks had begun.  Known as "Super Committee" of the United States Congress reduced Red Special Committee announced that the two parties failed to reach an agreement within the prescribed period, which means United States fiscal 2013 "forced downsizing". Programme as the two parties was reached in August this year, United States within 10 years, the Government must reduce red 917 billion dollars, with theWhen the public debt limit increase to $ 900 billion. And on Wednesday at least red $ 1.2 trillion reduction of specific recommendations to be made before, or else red reduction mechanism by law within 10 forced cuts in items such as defence, security spending of about $ 1.2 trillion. Obama has repeatedly stressed the United States risks no defaults, p, three major rating agencies Moody 's, Fitch also says noCut United States sovereign credit ratings, investors are generally worried.   Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! On Monday, three Dow Jones the old republic power leveling, p, and NASDAQ Index closed down 2.11%, and 1.86% respectively.On Tuesday, the United States Commerce Department data showed that United States gross domestic product per cent annual rate in the third quarter growth 2% be amended, optimistic estimates fell short of market growth of 2.3% shows GDP growth slowed in the third quarter. At the same time, frequent euro-bad. On Monday, Moody's said, the recent France Government bond yields rose and economic growth prospects, its sovereign creditInfluence negative ratings. Dagong Tuesday Greece, foreign country's credit rating from "CCC" reduced from "c".  On Thursday, Fitch Portugal sovereign rating from "BBB-" down to "BB" junk rating Outlook is negative. In addition, Spain 4 months early general elections, BJP President Mariano Rajoy was elected to come back with "protecting employment and promote growth" measuresShi, markets are greeted.  The day of its 10-year government bond yields in high 6.53%. Data released Wednesday showed that eurozone comprehensive purchasing managers ' index for the third consecutive month in November shrinking industrial orders per cent or more in recent 3 years of contraction. The same day Germany Government auction of 10-year government bonds, stream the proportion was as high as 35%, resulting in GermanySeveral other Member States and the euro area bond yields have soared.  The face of the crisis, European Commission President Barroso on Wednesday announced the release of the euro "stable bonds" program, Germany, France, Italy and three heads of State met on Thursday, and submit the consultation outcome Member States Summit on EU Finance Ministers will meet again on December 9. Upgrade the euro against the dollar this week the European debt crisis continues to hit the dollarIndex climbed to 79 above, pressured the dollar-denominated commodities, crude oil fell sharply.

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