Monday, December 26, 2011

and the will to perform. EachYear

129668763130781250_222ESPN: new agreement players had six good teams total salaries amount rose NetEase sports reported on November 27: ESPN news, David Stern is expected to reach preliminary bosses will definitely support the current contract, as do a good enough job of his own, and bosses have had countless meetings, and in yesterday's collective bargaining employers are also held in the Executive Committee of the Conference, already understand the idea of bosses. Stern, after yesterday's meeting claim, He believed that the owners will approve the deal, also believe that this preliminary agreement will be the NBA's new collective agreements in the future. According to reports. The agreement signed 10-year, both sides will have the opportunity to jump out in the 6th year of the contract. But what about players? As Executive Chairman of the players Union, low-key Billy Hunter in this respect a lot. He said at yesterday's News Conference, their needsIn order to inform the players of the contract particulars, and can only be made public. Judging from the present situation, most people think the players will accept the agreement. Although many players know very little about the specific contents of the new collective agreement, it is certain is that they all want to play basketball. Then within a short time, hunt will be explained to the players firstStep Protocol, how would he explain that? ESPN writer Albert said that if he explained that he would follow as analysis of the players are now several points of agreement: 1) NBA free agency--that is the old republic power leveling, players are the most basic way of measuring their value. Free agent signing was not the same as before, but he persists, and the will to perform. EachYear, each team will be a free agent signing of certain rights. 2) bird articles. This way, the players get a high wage, got the victory and provisions to be happy swtor power leveling, have not changed much. 3) teams minimum amount of wage growth. Union insist that this is an important clause of the balance between the teams, there are times when such a clause would make the team had to use highSalaries of players signed. It is said that mengfeisihuixiong had signed Zach-Shavlik Randolph, is that in order to achieve the minimum total team salary. Yihou, frequency with which this happens may increase. 4) If you are not a superstar, so if you want to make a lot of money, you have to signing of the free market caused by the war. In addition, if your expectations of us $ 3 million, then there will be 30 teams have the ability to sign you. 5) Jerry-Barth and Marc-Kuban certainly still be trying to spend money. 6) contract signing period shortened, could make some players suffered a loss. But it has another meaning: everyone will be able to play ball. Received from another angle, this can lead to more free agent signing.

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