Saturday, December 3, 2011

quoting picture parameters

129668648104218750_27On November 26, lifan automobile first 4S's flagship in Beijing (quoting picture parameters) store officially opened. At the opening ceremony, lifan Group Chairman Yin Mingshan, lifan Group Vice President and General Manager Liao Xionghui lifan automobile sales company congratulations. Lifan Group Chairman Yin Mingshan in the field and lifan Group Vice President and General Manager Liao Xionghui lifan automobile sales companyCongratulations interviewed by SINA automobile. Independent brands in Beijing suffer a restriction, lifan Motors opens flagship store in Beijing was when the auto market optimistic predictions about the future, Yin Mingshan said about this:Development of good, the most fundamental is also economy of the enterprise itself. Vehicle ownership per thousand in China to 70-90 units, while in developed countries of car ownership per thousand to 700 units, we and the country's gap is still significant. But China's economy second in the world, so will continue to maintain the rapid growth of car sales. Although next year will slow this year increasedLong, but in the end there is a larger increase.Quo; potentialRealizing the value of demand, in the formulation of strategies, lifan consulting businesses. In the field of passenger cars, lifan Marketing Committee was set up. In Beijing, the lifan parts interim library will be set up. In addition, Yin Mingshan added that under the market economy, no do not only sell products. In the context of market economy diablo 3 gold, it is important to sales lead, lifan non-Often respected businessmen. A few years ago, lifan automobile dependence motorcycle business support motor vehicle business. In response, Chairman Yin Mingshan said lifan automobile business profits have more than the motorcycle business this year, motor vehicle business of the year will account for all profits the lifan 52%. Beginning in 2009, lifan motors have been profitable. He also stressed that lifan automobile isTin Road, An increase of nearly 60%, the whole year is expected to achieve sales of 120 diablo 3 gold,000. In the Beijing market, lifan automobile sales fell slightly, but compared with other brands, small drop more (SINA automobile)

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