Monday, April 16, 2012

tera gold Haitong securities have hurried to h-share listing up to raise $ 1.5 billion On April 12

129788454839375000_57Haitong securities have hurried to h-share listing up to raise $ 1.5 billion On April 12, haitong securities shares rose 4.39%, closed at $ 10.22 high during the year. Higher shares of equivalent of haitong securities landing h-East wind. According to foreign media reports, if there are no major negative news, haitong securities plans to start the listing Roadshow in Hong Kong on April 17, 20th price raise funds up to $ 1.5 billion (about HK $ 11.6 billion).Contact reporter haitong securities, but have not yet received official replies. Haitong securities said one insider, haitong securities in March had passed through the Hong Kong stock exchange at the end of the hearing, hope the foundation stone in front of the roadshow to attract more investors and road show to be delayed. Haitong securities shares after full year results announcement, underwriting results for the year had been handed to the Hong Kong stock exchange and related files. Our staff are known as fiber,Meter issue price will still be near the limit. Haitong securities listed in Hong Kong in December last year have tried to, but did not take place. At that time, the reference price at HK $ 9.38 per cent per share, equivalent to 1.17 per cent times the 2012 year book. "Foreign funds on haitong securities limited interest. "One fund manager told reporters in Hong Kong, at present, the companyMostly bedrock of investors would be capital money. News that the cornerstone of haitong securities approval has more obvious increase in the number of investors. If a price of HK $ 9.38, compared with the a-share closing price today, profit imagination was fully open. Cornerstone investors greatly increased the employee said, before the official Roadshow, haitong securities wants 50% more than from the cornerstone investor subscriptions�� When this step is complete, investors programs may be cut. It emerged tera gold, haitong securities has been a cornerstone investor intentions of approximately $ 2 billion today. United States Pincus has previously expressed willingness to subscribe for haitong securities $ 210 million h-shares. Japan Central Mitsui Trust and banking, said haitong securities purchased will spend $ 12 million h-shares. SeaTong h share prospectus of securities published in December last year showed that the shares issued before the work starts, cornerstone investors has agreed selling price for total amount of $ 222 million shares, this number only accounts for 13% amount of $ 1.7 billion plans to raise funds at that time. Last December tera power leveling, haitong securities has tried to login h-shares, but did not attract enough investors give up such factors�� Since then, haitong securities and dealers paid close attention of sea-a-share price, and CITIC Securities a-share and h-share price. One of the reasons the company does not release the end of March, is also the results for the year as investors need to refer to the CITIC Securities, to determine whether or not to invest haitong securities. Now, Center the letter a and h share price differences are becoming smaller and smaller. Meanwhile, on December 27 last year, certificate of haitongTickets closed at $ 7.34, about HK $ 9.04 tera gold, even below the lower limit of issue price. It is clear, so it is difficult to mobilize the enthusiasm of investors. Since then, haitong securities gained, on April 12, a-shares closing at $ 10.22 (12.58), December offering the lower price when compared to last year at 34%. Haitong securities or will take this East wind quickly advance h-share listingFarm. According to media reports, this issue once started, will speed up and to be completed in the 4th book-keeping documentation. Debate of the issue price, in fact, haitong securities are so focused on in this release prior to release of cornerstone investors, due it less attractive to foreign investors. "Compared to brokerages, banks foreign investors willing to invest in the Mainland. "The Fund Manager willLitigation reporter, investment banking unit to help foreign investment in the Mainland, for loans obtained to facilitate. Compared with Mainland banks, brokerage shares value slightly. Foreign capital investment in haitong securities, the amount is not too much. Haitong securities prospectus, published in December last year showed that raised funds in the amount of about 35% to securities companies for strategic acquisitions overseas or in aExpansion of overseas securities business. The fund managers say such fundraising purposes and should not allow investors see the urgency of funding and a good return. 2011 performance of haitong securities news show, 2011 annual business income of $ 9.29 billion, down 4.86%, net income of 3.161 billion yuan, up by 14.25%. In addition, there areSources said haitong securities has a dispute with on the issue of institutional investors in the stock, which delayed its listing in Hong Kong. A haitong securities shares investor told reporters, currently a-share stock price Yu Hai Tong securities and h-share offering price. Once you have h-share price was too low, a-shares shareholders may be accused of was arrested for selling shares in the company. Others:

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