Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera power leveling - GZX

129770845690000000_22Huang Lude dog Tamer Sina entertainment this Saturday (March 24), Jiangsu satellite TV (micro-blogging) of the non-if you (Twitter) ushered in the one star-like Ronaldo and mixed blood, he frequently poor Chinese language and more spectacular, right into the boys had the wrong fight girls after the lights, he is what? Handsome handsome man and guest appearances will light upAll 24 lamps, being a single parent dad love like blood brothers and his son, will kiss the stage also showed that "single or divorced mother Lady first." Generation y youth boxing writers love writing, love, Python, love, magical experience lingnv guests are curious.  While an animal Tamer play Division debut, triggering a House on "bear taking bile" discussion. Highlights:Pirate "Ronaldo" Miss girls lights mimicking stars Ronaldo of history of clocks was born in Hong Kong and the United States grew up in Canada, and four months ago came after China fell in love with Chinese culture, fell in love with Chinese food, is now a company in Shenzhen's HR. Usually at work, he interviewed many people every day, for the first time by 24 women guests "interview"Poor Chinese, he looked more nervous and frequently language more spectacular. Female guests also kept deliberately classical style of conversation with him, that he makes a lot of jokes. In his possession, Western individuality and independence, but also has a boy's careful and considerate of the East. "My mother is Chinese and she keeps me with Chinese culture. Former girlfriend does not understand Chinese culture, I'm looking forAn all around development of moral and comprehensive development of Chinese girls. Beautiful, as Hsu Chi (micro-blogging) sth like that "after listening to a lovely expression of the history of clocks, many girls are quite tempted to him on the field. 19th girls Ms Chang King-yiu, who is a basketball babe site to show his cheerleading, 7th girls Jing Xu, direct said, "I'm willing to go with him!  ” tera power leveling。 But after the right into the boys,History of clocks were pendulum oolong, kept the front get the girls, Ting Chen, 17th light. Stay light until the last Ting Chen a look of confusion, field is a frightened, and Meng Fei (micro-blogging) has said, "you are so far to the non-male participants in the second of the ' If you do! "Right now, history of clocks, is an unexplainable touch," who do I think out of light who can go with me! "ListenThis, Ting Chen had no choice but to shake her head. She will forgive the male guests to the unintentional mistakes?  History of clocks who will succeed in the end hands? Aspect II: single parent dad to find specified "a single mother or a divorced woman," Zhang Wu of the tall, handsome, handsome appearance will light up the whole 24 lamp, he now runs a creativity products company in Beijing, businesses doing the red fireFire. Once his younger, impulsive, spent struggling to save in the game within a year from savings. Definition of treats, love of life tera power leveling, have not really read. A short marriage ultimately ended in divorce, he had a son. Now his company's annual turnover of millions, his people also become rational, also looking forward to a new relationship brings, a fresh start。 "Son 15 years old this year, was a big xiaohuoer. My son and had no generation gap, two men are like brothers, often playing together tera gold, playing games. I am training my son, waiting for him and then let him out on break, training his independence of character. Wait until the time is ripe, let him be my successors to the cause of. After I talked to his girlfriend, but sheCan't accept my son finally broke up. I lived through the early marriage and early childbearing earlier, so now to find single mother or a divorced Lady first, so she could better understand me, to accept my son. Best is a southern girl, Mignon, centered on the line. "After listening to the story of Zhang Wu, female guests on the Council for what? As he left my lightsTo do last? Point three: after the writers show Quan Huan Wang of juehuoer dream won the Nobel literature prize is a small and famous writer of generation y, graduated from the Central Academy of drama, author of love such as waves of bald eagles, the Python's notes, and the inside story of youth work. Style of writing to a "near-poetic solely, directly plunges the characters inside"Readers love them very much. In high school, Huan Wang began a literary creation. He likes to seek inspiration from the life of nature, he loves Python, Python around the family gathered in the States, at the same time he is also artificial breeding of Pythons in yushu in China first, images displayed in a scene alone is enough to make people frightened, the Python notes of records between him and snake story。 During college, Huan Wang obsessed with martial arts and worship in the xingyiquan masters Zhang shuxin artistry. Live shows he is a sock juehuoer, House an eye-opener. From a military study, he found a lot of inspiration for writing, and thus was born the new works of the youth inside. Love, like encountered Huan Wang, as long as people, all standards will be broken. StandYears he has been waiting for a man who can take life as promised. Fellow writer, 9th girls intersection of Wu Yu and Huan Wang is going to be put on?  They will wipe out the sparks of love between you? Point four: Meng Fei objurgate speech teacher Tamer Tamer dog "bear taking bile" hold "small white tiger" stage Huang Lude is one of animal trainer speech teacher, and lion all day on weekdays, andTigers, bears to deal with. From an early age like the animal he had always dreamed of one day to keep animals and performers, now finally got. Programme Group has also been prepared in advance of a lovely Teddy dog, ready to let Huang Lude tame. "I now work bear Tamer, I'm as baby bear, those people really take bear bile too cruel. "After listening to the huangludeyiWords, the audience also had a big discussion on this. Facilitator, Meng Fei objurgate road on the spot, "I am getting information from a news, bear the efficacy is not irreplaceable, the Xiong Qudan alive in the world is to be prohibited. Some people say, you eat chickens, ducks and fish. Humans at the top of the food chain, if we can't do it without animal protein intake,At least you want to do it without killing, and killing. A heart of compassion, it is not difficult. "In terms of feelings, Huang Lude had talked about a very Italian girlfriend, but was strongly opposed by the other parent. He had tried to persuade parents, but my girlfriend does not help him, he eventually had no choice but to give up. In this regard, facilitator, Meng Fei said that "when two people loveWhen accepted by the parent, I think the only reliable Pocket is to look at your lover to you love the ideas. If you know this, you can go to each other's parents. If you do not know this, don't ask for the humiliation. "For the future and the other half, Huang Lude's request is very simple," standing more than 1.55, can live with girls on the line. ”He was able to get it?  Let us hope so! "Special notice": Jiangsu satellite TV of March 24 of the non-if you are a romantic play so stay tuned! (It was the fields) war in the popularity of non-if you are guests of the station of the non-color expert Tim Le was questioned if you blow up Meng Fei, of the non-if you areGold over 2.4 billion global Chinese introduction response United States men guests debut non-Cheng not rejection under plans campaign United States President non-Cheng not rejection under Brokeback Angel Lei Qingyao first into heart girls non-Cheng not rejection under welcome quality men guests to Lei Qingyao loving confession writers Wu Yu Shang non-Cheng not rejection under dating was literature critics took brick non-Cheng not rejection under no arm girls Lei Qingyao Meng Fei praise its inspirational Idol Hu apricotNanjing, Chen Fala publicity exposes loves to watch the non-' If you are the non-if you are small Ma Ge Meng Fei Yi shop experience about life Others:

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