Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera power leveling - OGJ

129777332259843750_242(Reporter xiaojian) for many developers, the year 2012 will be a fight for survival. Previously each time control, some say real estate enterprises to shuffle, a group of real estate companies to close down, say how many years has also closed down several never seen. 2012 Wolf really came, a group of small and medium-sized property developers will be acquired by mergers and acquisitions, and even the end of bankruptcyTheir corporate life.  Five guess Q1 on the future of the property market: investors will leave you? Lenovo: Mao Group Marketing Director Chen Wei: a healthy, energetic commodity market, does not exclude investment there is even speculation, only to see that investment or speculative position in the market as a whole. Real estate marketReturn to the path of sustained and healthy development, in fact, is to return to the real consumer led market, most people buying motivations are based on meeting the housing needs of its own, rather than through the fast forward fast to profit. Real estate market in the future, will be returning to home demand-led, but surely there will be investors figure, after all, based on the different cities, regions, product evaluationDifferent people will make a variety of investment options, but more people may be a long-term investment.  Q2: Hardcover: rule? Lenovo: Chengdu jiaoda real estate marketing director Xu Min: property market winter, also means that developers must transition to think longer term about industry directions. From the industry itself, with the extensive national economy increaseLong pattern of Unlearning, green, green, low-carbon policies and social demand. Hardcover blank room to be more energy efficient, but also to better help buyers save time tera power leveling, worry and from European and American experience, hardcover replacing the stock room is the trend. At this point tera gold, Chengdu jiaoda real estate has been a step ahead, National Chiao Tung University to the Valley not only hard cover and introductionInto the air quality and management system, really adhere to the criteria is green and healthy.  Q3: more and more developers will become a property holding do? Lenovo: Wan Chen in Sichuan guyouwei a real estate marketing director: Wanda China's largest property developer, and mode of industry branches, Wanda mode which is better known as disputed. When sellingIndustry income profits and lower, did not rule out more developers to choose mode of Wanda.  Of course, from the perspective of holding, more developers will choose commercial real estate, this is also a test of the developers to port value, business resource control.  Q4: second-hand housing beyond the sluggish trading principal do? Legend: Vice General Manager of Chengdu a second-hand housing intermediaries:For now, sluggish real estate market in Chengdu, has been the principal, but with three rings of increasingly scarce land resources, previously owned homes in the real estate market position further in underscoring. 2010 downtown Chengdu second-hand House transaction 4.29 million square meters, the volume and sluggish (residence) contract area ratio of 1:2. From the domesticFirst-tier cities such as Beijing tera gold, Shanghai, Shenzhen, second-hand and sluggish trading less than per cent even 2:1, previously owned homes will sooner or later become the subject of trading, perhaps time is 35 years.  Q5: how housing and affordable housing in the future? Legend: Editor in Chief of Chengdu transparent real estate network a, Qin Yan: as a cover to House, in affordable housingField capacity is increasing, taking Beijing as an example, 2011 Beijing State-owned construction land supply planning, affordable housing with a share of the residential land exceeded 50%. From the perspective of meeting the livelihood needs, Government efforts to increase investment in affordable housing itself is on the lessons of the past that lack a system, long term, will be formed and House complement each other "ladder" pattern of housing supply. Others:

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