Monday, April 2, 2012

tera power leveling to get closer and felt farther and farther. Many of his customers - LPM

129773438556093750_23A Feng Shui master secret groups are growing, they are active in the Regal and officials around, for them to predict the future, distinguish between right and wrong, provision of solace of the soul--a lot of times, those dignitaries who dominated the fate of others, are often unable to dominate themselves. Sex and the rapid expansion of their wealth and power, sense of unease is also expanding, they wanted to use the money to buy a HyunPhantom power, in exchange for inner peace. Lin Yuanqun/玮-Ling mailingling/玮-Ling Qin, Hanlin charts/玮-Ling Hong Kong, Wong Tai Sin, one Feng Shui master in the stalls waiting for customer contact Regal uncertainty before the said Feng Shui master, Regal story tells of a stealth. In 1990, Wenchang, Hainan. Young people zhanxiong see the bloom of betel nut, Like Discover unknown treasures. After you clear the relationship with the Government, his low price buy farmers ' betel nut and sold to Taiwan people, per pound to make a dollar, selling ten thousand or twenty thousand pounds a day, who "traffic in" Japan car terminals under the car at night, waking up in the morning, wealth will grow hundreds of thousands of. After entering the real estate market, few years became a billionaire. After the outbreak of the male, the first thingThing is to repair the House. Completed day, he put has two truck firecracker; he to home road, shop Shang mud Hou, let several friends per person opened with a car Benz back and forth pressure road; father of graves in Sanya, Tomb pay Shi, he does not incense money, burn has 20,000 block RMB; he to nightclub, does not happy on took up money hit others of face; he also put statements, to buy Xia Tiananmen towers Shang of lanterns, buy XiaFlag on the square. Money then all of a sudden, thinking that life that he has money to burn. But much faster, go faster. Mid 1990, Hainan real estate bubble burst, he suddenly found himself broke diablo 3 gold, all of the fickleness of the world in time. It was the first time in zhanxiong, destiny is not in control in your own hands. Later, his business, at peak all the time suddenlyFall. 4 years ago, a gang leader in Beijing officialdom of the male, captured in advance of developing international tourism in Hainan Island information, once again became a happening real estate. After several years of experience in Beijing, he consciously for a big change, but one thing hasn't changed, and that is bad luck. He did not know when the devil will cause trouble, he again fell. Zhanxiong insecure. In ChinaOn the market, States the rule, superimposed on a hidden rules and no rules, always made him feel unable to grasp the wheel of fate. In 2009, he spends 70 million bought 300 acres of commercial forest land into local planning and development of the master plan, is zoned for tourism and leisure, this means that you can make project development. Once successful, in land value would rise by 20 times times. However,He will soon get wind of it, some "second generation" staring at him. He rushed to clear the County and all the Party Committee member, when you can find a Secretary of County party Committee, hear are cliches, his rush, sweats, ready to say a sentence says not out. In his experience, dealing with officials, often depends on luck. Sometimes, "have led in a bad mood, things could talk make it,This is what cannot be expected to control. "Trouble ensued, he thought, behind the battle so fierce, no good luck, missed numerous opportunities. He was told, his ancestral house into a haunted house that year, that is what the root causes of his failure. Later, he invited more than more than 10 Feng Shui master, adjust the ancestral house several times, looking forward with xuanao forces, immediate turn of luck. “Progenitor of Feng Shui is the most important, every action can affect your distance, "he insists that this is. Last March, I visited the ancestral house of zhanxiong. Tree wrap, this roof covered with black wood House is particularly quiet. Tibetan Mastiff will see the owner zhanxiong Brown, threw herself on the door pane, excitedly shouts. The Sun, two geese rush went to us. They stretchNeck, GA go gaga. "They do not know they will fly, does not know that he's the big wild goose pagoda and thought I was a goose", male beaming, voice soft but touzhe determination of gas. Feng Shui master Lin Yuanqun still at the side, like a counselor. He walked with a compass, on zhanxiong explaining how to adjust the ancestral house, even choosing the location for dog cages back-before-dateSon, zhanxiong suddenly encounters do not shun his troubleshooting for various reasons, was finally found in the ancestral house new welded dog cage has the answer. Zhanxiong between environmental change and self-destiny set up closer links and sensitive. He pointed to the wall said, "since the cut of the cane, little IMP with a lot less. "Not so long ago, he and his friends to develop a real estate, development half, friend has been kidnapped, He learned his friend owed more than 180 million project cost, not only to pay off at once, have to pay 5 million ransom. He found the "social forces", happen to be each other's small leaders were arrested by police. Zhanxiong a phone, "an hour later to help them settle issues", while it also will soon be people rescued. Working well, "treat me as a boss. "HeTalk yourself in relationship to a casino boss, the man "Prod to go out on his death sentence". Desperado said to him: "we even dead people who are not afraid, afraid of the sight of boss. "Male praised the realm," like a Tibetan Mastiff, no need to bite, one word is enough to shock and awe the enemy ". In his world, vigour and credibility of composure, is walking the rivers and Lakes of the bodyCharacter. He said their two Feng Shui "basics" (base, means a on the Feng Shui when dead strangers, using Feng Shui practice, the case of a body's hair or skin or clothing, along with Chrono-horoscopes encased in tombs, reaching transhipment purposes) and one, better luck, another prayer is adept at. He believes he is on good luck, believe that gas becomes more and more powerful. Wenchang back onto the car in Haikou, Lin Yuanqun said, he found a Feng Shui Bao zhanxiong points. That point in the five fingers a planted olive groves on the slopes of the mountain. "Total said that even if you spend 1 million, to win it," Lin Yuan group is very excited. I looked out the window wide roads, stands high backed away quickly. Information on this day, there is a sense of trance. Zhanxiong says, many people long for the seaAnd when you go to the sea life 3 days, you never want to see it again. Zhanxiong: wealth of stories is a microcosm of the story of China? In many cases, they dominated the fate of others, are often unable to dominate themselves. Sex and the rapid expansion of their wealth and power, sense of unease is also expanding. At the same time, a Feng Shui master secret groups are growing, they are active in the RegalAnd officials around, for them to predict the future, distinguish between right and wrong, provided spiritual solace. Sometimes, Feng Shui master's words, or it can achieve the destruction of one of their decisions. "King of the base" expression of the rise of Lin Yuanqun said he could not, but he is often very interesting. In 1987, he went from gaozhou smuggling Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, a practiced martial arts the premier last nameTailors play black. A year later, tailor Yu was forced to divorce and my wife, under the sad, hopeless, cutting veins suicide. In order to fallinf him, Lin Yuanqun and another friend to tailor Yu said: "you do not commit suicide, we teach you to learn Feng Shui. "Another friend and teacher of metaphysics, Huangshan, since his work. At that time, they didn't think, today, Feng Shui will be respected, more unexpectedly, they willOne of the famous Hong Kong Feng Shui master. Lin Yuanqun, style of water is also an accident that year. When he was 13 years old, Chinese teacher is kept live by red guards, his heart pity, just give him a meal every day, teachers secretly taught him knowledge of Feng Shui. Later learned that, before liberation, the teacher has worked as a staff officer of the Guangdong warlord Chen Jitang. Lin said: "I am sorry he, smallFun, he forced me to learn, I learn that he inspired. Just come out to do the line, I thought I did Kung Fu, scared, but I see a lot of very famous chefs, not even a little. "After some time, to Yu Lin Yuanqun complained: tailor is hard and cannot earn the money. Lin Yuanqun told him: I know what Feng Shui, so sick of you well-connected tera power leveling, who want to be YinHouse, introduced me to, it is not so hard to make money. Yu started to believe him, but their business has come a little late. Until 1992, Huang Daoyi parting one of oil-Wong surname shareholders had cancer, they found, in gaozhou, Guangdong jianjiang River planted on a hill near the first base. This is the two-digit "base King" began. At that time in Hong Kong, already is in Feng ShuiDivision of fengshengshuiqi. Since 1970 by the radio set off upsurge of Feng Shui, Feng Shui concepts are deeply ingrained in Hong Kong. Some of the Feng Shui master and out of Homer, a charge of tens of thousands of per cent, even millions; they were doing on the radio and television program, forecast to haul, teach people how to finance and investment; they packed with shelves of books and longer enjoying one new book were all.But not many people know Yu Helin. However, after years of effort, now is a powerful world before them. With eloquence and ability of business contacts, Lin prominence. Yu, Lam is responsible for looking for points, practice. So far, they have for the race has more than 600 more health Foundation, including stars, such as Nicholas Tse; there are super rich, such as Stanley HO. SubsectionWhen you see Lin Yuanqun, he is in a simple, even wore a patch on the pants. Several assistants stood by his side. Lin is weak, his disciples arrange everything around. Lin Yuanqun in Hong Kong and the Mainland sides walk today. In Hong Kong, he not only has its own Museum, class instruction, and accept disciples. In the Mainland, the Feng Shui is not obtaining consent from the relevant policyHas been in a State of half-hidden. As with other Feng Shui master, Lin Yuanqun and not up for business, is by establishing a certain reputation, customers or friends in business. Other listed Chinese Feng Shui master of business, is based on the book of names, such as society for the operation. In the Baidu search for Feng Shui master on various Academy was rife with pages. A country size book of Institute of medical practitionersTendy Zou, President tells me that an organization registered in Hong Kong is a very easy thing. Feng Shui in the city, they formed small groups of instability. Lead usually connections of vast and resource-rich, will launch some of the Feng Shui master who's who in the activities, as long as the money, will be listed. Look, Lin Yuanqun very kind, when talking about a celebrity, would turn theA cloth bag, took out some information and photos from the inside, point for you to see, this is, who is the sth Lest people think he was bragging. But getting along with him for a long time, you will find that he has a very old concept of monarch. For example, after a week, when when we were a small restaurant in gaozhou, he suddenly shouted: do not equal, equal kill people before thatEqual to kill a lot of people! It gave people jump around. Bad may want to say he is egalitarian. But incidentally also reflects the other side: believe that astrology is high or low, and only about Feng Shui, does not ask is. Mr l had to find Lin Yuanqun, President of a bank in Shenzhen as his base. Around for 3 days in Shenzhen, Lin Yuanqun, return, telling him: "I have found a good point,Don't you dare to do? "The other said:" you take me to. "Two people came to the Park in Shenzhen. Reservoir on the side of a mountain, g/Lin Yuanqun fingers, l Governor said excitedly: "you have any silver coin? "From the forest who took out a HK, he took, unarmed in the ground dug a small hole, buried silver, stepped on his feet also says:" when you choose a Kat, dry! ”Ritual that night, several people under the cover of Lin Yuanqun, night, where plant based. Zhihou l Governor afraid of others to destroy his base, specifically from the field to find tomb monument, standing on it, and in the trees next to a plaque: heritage, do not destroy. Feng Shui the abacus of the wealthy Shenzhen. Qin, Hanlin looked out of the 28 floor, out of the window. He had long hair back long, exposing the entireFace of vicissitudes. On that day, he was wearing a black shirt with white dots. As an experienced woman, after experiencing the luxury watch rich family, son of the light world. No room to turn on the light, the light through the glass came out people pale. From such a high place to look at, as if everything was still dark and impersonal. He looked at me and said, we started? A loud voice, that kind of townLiving loud in many scenes. From the beginning, his efforts to dominate talk--this is his survival skills. And talk to him on the morning preparations. He first had to take the wing from a Feng Shui said, while constantly show him with honors and a group photo, pay cheque stub. Show finished, he threw back backwards, looking out the window: "back in 2003, I told Mr Yung saidYou in 2007 and 2008 should be careful, results in 2008, he lost $ 16 billion. "Then he said Lee. This is like two cases of opening remarks, has been practicing on numerous occasions. Only enter the circle of rich, said Feng Shui master to mix on the road, had the possibility to earn a lot of money, to get you and the thousands of hundreds of Temple Street, at the Wong Tai Sin orDistinguish in other street gang leader of the Feng Shui master. In order to enter the circle of rich, Feng Shui master, each demonstrating his skill. One Feng Shui master's experience is that Regal usually read Feng Shui master millions, "I hold him first, then stepped on him, holding him, he is not tempered. "--Establishing the authority, is one of the essential qualities of Feng Shui master among the powerful class. Qin, Hanlin is seen in Hong Kong for the second time, he to meShow Book: "only a 20-minute, earned a $ 15,000, our income comes mainly from large enterprises. You see, that one afternoon in Shenzhen, five or six guests, too tired to death, to earn the 9,300. "This also have to consider his rent, hire Assistant in Shenzhen and the cost of sth Advertising placement. In the confusion of industry, network search engines play to keyTo boot. Ambitions of the Feng Shui master inevitably involved in PPC systems. According to Assistant Qin, Hanlin, their advertising in Baidu amount in millions. The moments waiting to be interviewed, Assistant of the phone and the phone constantly rings, "that is to let us spend participating in conferences, to purchase a title, simply doesn't work. "She said. From the Mainland as aPacked into the metaphysics of Hong Kong, and Qin, Hanlin also has a special "title"--1988 years, Qin graduated from Tianjin University, he this is printed on the business card – like that of Feng Shui master rarely has a Bachelor's degree, this is definitely a good selling point. After graduation, he was assigned to a State-owned enterprise, soon to become Chief Executive. But according to his story, he came a few years, Enterprises will close down, so in 1992 left ahead. Zhihou, Qin Hanlin alone to Weihai, Shandong province, where Korea fortune--the northern people who geomancy fewer people, mostly only Korea people to find him. So he again to forget their own diagrams, and then follow the diagrams, South to Hong Kong. "Bleach in Hong Kong," life is not easy. His first job in the supermarket, because it is notCan speak Cantonese, often "please" as a "Street-bashing". When the customer the way, kept him on street Street-bashing-bashing to say, customers angry, scolding him, let him also Street-bashing. And he withdrew from the supermarket, went to Wong Tai Sin, Temple Street stall practise divination, or to the master when the Assistant. His high mind, felt someone behind him, but he does not speak Cantonese, who do not know, have toLean for the time being. He dreams of the first wealthy customers, introduced by the first wealthy second Regal sth But the first stepping stone came very hard. And, when had no signs. Not many guests that day, Qin, Hanlin sat as usual in the face in the Museum. At this point, a middle-aged man in a dress, looks are very common. He came to see Qin, and walked a few stepsAnd Qin Hanlin said: "do you think I like rich? "Qin Hanlin said, you take two steps. The man throwing shoulder walked two steps. Qin, Hanlin see him walking posture freely, without restraint, is definitely a route, but he said: "you must be rich, but I would like to grant your horoscope to know whether you have money or rich for life. "The manAre pleased with the answers, only revealed the truth: a few days ago, the people came to the Secretariat of the Qin, Hanlin, Secretary of the Qin, introduction to the boss. Qin, Hanlin eight charges up to $ 1800, but the boss is very generous, giving him $ 6,000. Qin, Hanlin was informed that Burma jade he is doing business, very rich. Subsequently, the Regal's wife also came to Qin, HanlinHoroscopes, also friends come over. From then on, his life changed. Today, his Regal has been used not to blame. However for the circle, he always has a sense of distance difficult to access. After all he can see is the wealthy-looking of others, and most of the time, to get closer and felt farther and farther. Many of his customers, he saw, this took 1 million buys a master handPalms gently on his head, called Empowerment; one spent 6 million buy scroll to rapidly improve the culture, was found to be a fake scroll and burst out, secretly took and burned the; also to Argentina to buy amber in order to dip "in the ground absorb 2 billion years of the world Reiki" sth He has a customer in Shanxi province, was a coal boss's rolling, because tableOn the people, not locally ' milistary, mistress to Shenzhen. Precisely because of the local has been suppressed, to Shenzhen, he expanded the number of mistresses that he can withstand the extreme. For a mistress, he is required, must take the girls to the Qin, Hanlin Mong Kok, Mong Kok is not married, said Qin Hanlin which, he would buy a House car for which each invested 5 million. Qin, HanlinThem from ordinary to LV Leather package, diamond ring, to BMW. Rich, this is the bucket: "when I am in luck, earned 5 million a month, a lover will earn back. "He has led over eight or nine girls went to Qin, Hanlin. "Mistress" is not idle, after the money, they can also "Second Secretary". Qin, Hanlin know a boss in Chaoshan "mistresses",Once with 4 men to look for Qin, Hanlin. She turned to bend and asked Qin Hanlin: which of these 4 men and I can develop cooperation. Qin, Hanlin looking 4 a boy student uniform standing in front, knows in his heart that Jack a "Mistress" was for his own paving way out for themselves. There is also a rich, he is life. But Qin said is only to jiushiji years old, can't be the afterlife. Regal show my donationSo much money, the afterlife will be getting along – Qin feel nervous: this investment across a reincarnation. Or does this Regal, Venerable monks looked to his Empowerment, and finally spend up to 1 million to buy great wisdom, and secretly want to: take 1 million buy wisdom, only to be cheated. In Hong Kong, in the narrow Hall, Qin, Hanlin lit a cigarette, quietly smoking. Smoke all around his。 Photographer here, suddenly say: maintain this posture, so take one. Qin, Hanlin doors slightly forward, like a sad thought. Wenzhou women not to sit. They always come back, slanting down to see you. One year, Qin Hanlin was invited to speak at a hospital of Wenzhou lectures on beauty and modified games. Effects from the people he talked, stressing the body,About distance, referred to the theory of metaphysics in the chest. "Breasts in rounded, erect, much easier to have not met, Mong Kok children, increased self-confidence. "Finished, more than more than 30 woman surrounded him at once, seven or eight entries on the spot a breast enlargement. Some of Wenzhou women coming to Hong Kong to find him. On one occasion, after they found he ploughs through the eight cyclical characters, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong, 5 people bought 20 houses. "Minimum is 5 millionA Ah. "Finally, pointing his hand in the chest, ripped a piece of paper, and then pulled out a pen, says art. He said, look, this Regal 1 million buy Empowerment, but the real monks from Escape is to relieve stress, will use their skills to do for money? The tens of millions of bought paintings, you can buy paintings, but can buy accomplishment? And this breast augmentation, plastic10,000 pieces of original protein, a breast injection 60, how much money do two breasts, we count it, there are 1.2 million, and this only for 2.5 years, minus the droop of half a year, there are really only two years, 1.2 million divided by 720 days, which is more than 1600 dollars a day sth This is how much is it! Gold rush in the Mainland of Hong Kong Feng Shui master road, "money is not a problem. "This is theHong Kong Feng Shui master mailingling when I first entered the mainland market, most frequently heard words. In mainland China, just rich people, eager to prove to others that they are so successful now. Initially, the mailingling heard this word, both happy and worry in Hong Kong, the cake has been very thin, in the Mainland, wealth continues to unfold a story around; fear stems from herSeen on TV on various bizarre phenomenon in the country, she does not know what will. One day, mailingling received a phone call, phone, Office of Wenzhou tera power leveling, a man asked her to help him see Feng Shui. Wenzhou, mailingling do not know where, don't know who this person is, they blame on their own on the geography of China are not familiar with, refused. But the other side is warm: "in WenzhouIn the vicinity of Shanghai, you come, I do a lot of business. I've read the book you wrote, very good. "But mailingling is denied. After returning, mailingling asked her Chinese teacher, the teacher said: "Wenzhou is a small place, a lot of cheats. "But after a few days, that people call her, has repeatedly stressed that" money is not a problem ". Mailingling thinking of Chinese teacherWords, more afraid of, but at the moment I have no idea how to refuse, it just says: "I want to 300,000. "Exports, he immediately answered: no problem! That said, she had more doubts in his heart: "too far, if you have a company in Hong Kong, let your employees or friends came up to me, we can talk about. "Never thought, has once again agreed to the other party. And a fewDays later, a girl came to see mailingling do insurance in Hong Kong, business card and handed to the boss. Final mailingling commissioned a friend to find out, it was found to be a very large State-owned enterprises, and he is the General Manager of Wenzhou branch. 300,000, mailingling bite, took over this business. Then she discovered, there is a such a big market--the Feng Shui in the Mainland of China at an alarming speed downMove, sub enclosure, built a new House. Later, she was Assistant in the Mainland, real estate information booklets on their own promotional marketing, talk about benefits of Feng Shui. Of course, now she is no longer selling yourself. Mailingling thought, desire, why these people are so high the price of her past. Her conclusion is that prefer them on the Mainland from Hong Kong in the pastFeng Shui master, because Hong Kong Feng Shui Masters after packaging, look more professional, better suit the characteristics of this era. But she is a celebrity, although charges higher than. But this is only one side of the story, is on the other side, the rich people, they chase LV, Ferrari, Rolls Royce and consumption and, of course, to consume the most famous Feng Shui master, which is the expression of their own desire. In a rapidlyAfter experiencing from poverty to wealth, this new powerful class, with most people to show off wealth and power unmatched by instinct. For example, in the suburbs of Nanjing, mailingling gave a building to see Feng Shui. She told the developers that you later in the stream of Feng Shui is not good. He said: then I filled it. This was commonplace, as if to buy cell phones. There areIn Dongguan, on the hill behind the Villa there is a too close, master distance, the man asked mailingling: that I was after the move was levelled in this mountain or how much? As if they have the ability, nothing is done. Now, the same things too much, she has become accustomed. Wenzhou boss again, after watching the Feng Shui, organization of a boss mailingling hotels. But he acknowledgedThere are no good hotels in Wenzhou, direct her to live in Shanghai. Dinner in the evening, he went to a place on the outskirts of Shanghai with mailingling, eating crabs, eat blood swallow. The place spacious and made her feel very surprised, because she turned around, looking for waiter, looking for a good while, in distant places to see, and the whole floor is only a few people: Government officials, bosses, and her.She's like, like clubs, private luxury, only great leadership. In fact, this has gone far beyond a lavish meal, beyond the meaning of hospitality one VIP, but a show off to their own power. In Hong Kong, Office of the mailingling, I sit and wait for her. Mailingling rush to come, but without looking at me and went straight into the Office. Until the handleAfter some things, she told me to go in, aside make-up while answering questions. Courtesy and restraint, not to say hello and greetings in advance, which I encountered in the Mainland and the respondents are very different. At mailingling, we work for, to, do not need to pay attention to too many people. This is Hong Kong's business culture and rules: quite clearly on the money, and provide you with professional servicesAnd communication within the business. 12 «» Others:

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