Tuesday, April 17, 2012

tera power leveling which means that RQFII issue has begun to introduce competition - QZP

129788654652656250_14Many fund companies have reported cross-border ETF mobile phone free www.cnfol.com RQFII April 14, 2012 Li Liang China Securities News view comments underestimated the value of blue-chip stocks or the biggest beneficiary to 50 billion RQFII RQFII second round of waves of expansionFull force. China Securities Regulatory Commission and the people's Bank of China and the State administration of foreign exchange since recently decided to increase the line of 50 billion yuan investment in RQFII, in the company of the first RQFII release award at least seven companies have reported to the SFC-related products, and are cross-border ETF products. Insiders pointed out that at present the Declaration of cross-border production ETFWide base track is the a-share market index, such as the Shanghai 50 index, CSI 300 index and the stock exchange index 100. At the moment of the current lack of a-share sentiment, this is one rareCompared with the first line of RQFII is only 20 billion yuan, second line of RQFII expansion more than doubled. But more of the bright spot is that, with the first batch of RQFII limited to primarily invest in bonds markets, second round of RQFII is directed to target tracking a-shares Index ETF. According to published news of the SFC, the increase of 50 million lines of RQFII investment, will allow the pilot institutions denominated a-share ETF products, invest in a-shares index shares and listed on the Hong Kong Exchange; next, the China Securities Regulatory Commission will also, in conjunction with relevant departments to further expand the scale of pilot, the range of institutions and investment ratio. In this regard, a Fund Manager with respect, accompanied by the RQFII continuesExpansion tera power leveling, next a-share market will speed up with the international standards. Currently shares the overall earnings at record low moment, this practice willUnder the premise of the line I was in total control, allowing pilots according to the actual conditions of the company registration. As to the specific product sizes, the effect depends on the pilot company brand and marketing capabilities, which means that RQFII issue has begun to introduce competition, or will lead to a new round ofRQFII investment quota of $ 0, looking forward to it as a share of the market study from the sentiment. Feedback from the Hong Kong market situation, investment shares more popular products. However, in the eyes of the industry, due to complex cross-border ETF's technical requirements, and even medium sized fund companies was not easy to join the RQFIIquot;�� Some fund companies the Marketing Department told the China Securities newspaper reporter, according to the operating rules of RQFII, more than the pilot launch of ETF products of the company while the track is the a-share index, is the a-share index shares to buy tera gold, but its listed was the Hong Kong stock exchange, which led ETF settlement becomes a big problem. This requires not only the testCompanies and parties, including the Hong Kong stock exchange and a full consultation, and also means that the pilot needs to further strengthen the Hong Kong subsidiary of the company, including personnel, equipment, and other aspects will increase not small sum of expenditure. Obviously, this Fund for small and medium companies, it is not possible to take. Industry recommendations to enhance the RQFII a share of investment,RQFII independent investment shares before you let go, the departments concerned can considerF investment purpose, can reduce a pilot company in liquidation tera power leveling, personnel costs and other pressures. Others:

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