Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera power leveling Gold-line reproduced above - JCE

129773932909218750_62Art market cold "spring and want to enter the market? Buy paintings? What to start with? "This is hovered over the question of mine in mind. Mine is a savvy investor, 25% of calligraphy and painting in his portfolio, as the stock of clearance and some cash in advance of the calligraphy and painting, he now have to worry about is not no money, but how to handFunding to find a way out. /Reporter Lin Lin and Guo Xiaohao on overall market context doesn't think much of the spring of 2012, experts are eager to encourage collectors into the stock market. "Overall prices decreased last year by 20%-30%, this time is ' buyer's market ', can pick up goods to buy. "Lightning and familiar with the art dealer persuaded him. Seen from the market a few timesV painting and calligraphy master kuanggenming not help but sound: "now is a good time for collection. "He believes that markets are not made to depression, market buyers still be buying Consortium fine calligraphy and painting:" even the famous small boutique ' go ' well. Have money in hand and has lived through the ups and downs of the market of buyers, are aware the market opportunity is now. "Auction house operators also share the viewPoints. JETCO auction General Manager Chen Junming believes that lack of confidence in the changes in the current market are mainly from buyers and sellers, instead of "crash". But overall the market price is lower than last year's liangsancheng, Chen Junming said: "the original market price of $ 100,000, now $ 60,000 ~7 tera power leveling, is indeed worth in total time. "But he stressed the worth in total, areReal fine. In fact, recent thematic paintings of scholars in works such as calligraphy, painting, and so was welcomed by the market. Mine-but it is also the most interesting collections: "you need not worry, as long as buying essence, right when the buy early. "As the groups collection of mature, this concept has been widely accepted. When it comes to appreciation of calligraphy and painting standards,This expert will stress that "the truth, essence, the new" that has the three characteristics of calligraphy and painting will never fall. However, "truth, essence, the new" within the meaning of the calligraphy and painting "value added" what? "Painting" value added description of the themes, artists, and rare is the most intuitive, poetry and prose are important subject matter, the thunder with first-hand experience: "painting flowers and birds of famous masters, peoplePainting of rare of course, flower pieces and charm of the landscape painter, and Wu Yi XI Wei GUI, common themes and prices sometimes up to several times the difference between special subject matter. "Calligraphy and celebrities have also become involved in the" value added ". Many calligraphy recorded a contemporary scholar exchanges between, or ancient writers that were visible from the legend imprint, meaning and value are significant. For example, ChenJunming had seen a work of Liang Dingfen of 4 feet tera power leveling, general market price is about $ 30,000, but because it is the Liang Dingfen to Huang Zunxian's works, so prices of $ 50,000 or more. "There are dozens of works of a famous legend, prices rose at least more than 1 time. "Lei said tera gold, author of the legend may be ornamental, may also be a collection, if it is a large reservoir, Brings to painting and calligraphy of "value added". This also involves the painting ordered and spread a description of the problem. As the bulge in painting and calligraphy market, is there a description of painting, an important basis for the identification and valuation of, but mine told reporters that a description of painting and calligraphy in the market and many, but now buyers ' is another person's description, rather than its author's description�� Second, buyers recognised author description. In addition to these "value added" real value "art work" also included poetry and seal on the screen. "Painting is the author of poems on skill, can touch. "Chen Junming says, sometimes these poems are wonderful and thoughtful, meet the buyers mind or give buyers a lot of Kai, Sell high. And the artist seal ink pad and elegant, you can increase the level of work. "Such as Chang Ta-chien's printed very delicate zenghui for their works. "Online statement Gold: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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