Monday, April 2, 2012

tera power leveling but these comments are like "crying wolf" - QWD

129773214431406250_224Last week, the dollar index is still down trend, United States real estate data underperforming effect index formed a certain pressure on the dollar, Bernanke Fed's key decisions such as the characters are still continued the cautious views on the economy, $ policy still lacks good. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke (Ben Bernake) provisions in a speech Tuesday to the gold standard and exchange ratesPolicies attacked, and maintained the United States economic growth not angry tone that does not fire, he is not on the subsequent policies of the Federal Reserve gave no hint is still speculation in financial markets to get by. Currently on the market when and whether the Federal Reserve will expand the scale of easing many suspicions. In a recent meeting of the Federal Reserve, FOMC says United States economic recovery is bumpy, primaryBen Bernanke also expect the job market to continuing weakness.  In addition, market concerns about Spain in slow progress in strengthening the financial situation, on Wednesday (March 21), Spain 10-year Treasury bond yields rose to a one-month high of 5.4%; likewise, the 10-year Italy yields rose to 5%, create a one-week high. Market's worries are not groundless.Spain reduced the Chek Lap Kok is dissatisfied with the slow progress has the EU, Italy Prime Minister regarding the implementation of reforms of the labour market challenges facing the same concerns. Spain's Central Bank (Bank of Spain) second this week (March 20) according to the data released, Spain in January, outstanding bad debt ratio of loans from commercial banks last month, 7.61% rose to cent, its highest level since August 1994. Total loan volume in the month shrank 3.2% low suggests that banks ' willingness to lend.  In the context of economic malaise, bad loans rise in rates or further. Portugal's problem is never easy. While many officials have said that Portugal is not Greece II, Greece's case is unique,Will not be repeated in other States possession, but these comments are like "crying wolf", cannot be believed. Market focus may turn back to Europe this week tera power leveling, Germany will announce some key economic data, Italy and Spain will be available for sale at the national debt, and eurozone finance ministers meeting will be held.  These will become the focus of world attention. EUR/USD: euro on FridayDollar up sharply, highest hit 1.3289. Daily chart shows that currency in 20th above the moving average, MACD indicator is above the zero axis tera power leveling, red columns continue to elongate, buyer power indicator displays the euro remains strong and has some upside, but increased in the early trend line will form a strong resistance against the euro. Above resistance to 1.3366, below support 1.322. AUD/USD: big rally in the Australian dollar against the US dollar on Friday, the highest hit 1.049. Daily chart show, the exchange value is below the 60-day moving average, also is in a falling trend line below, and the MACD indicator is below the zero axis, a number of technical indicators bearish trend of Australian. Above the resistance 1550, under support of 1.044. GBP/USD: Sterling rose sharply against the dollar on Friday, the highest hit 1.5903, daily chart shows that exchange rate is above the 200-day moving average, MACD indicator is above the zero axis, multiple indicators shows that buyer power is still strong, but currently, the upward trend in the early line on the Rose formed a certain barrier effect tera power leveling。 Resistance above is 1.592, support below 1.58. Asia Exchange NET authorization to reproduce Others:

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