Tuesday, April 17, 2012

tera power leveling State CouncilBenefits expert - ZHC

129788662311718750_13Shenzhen Stock Exchange-private transactions open index fund update summary prospectuses Important note the Fund on June 20, 2011 issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission approved private trading exchange-index Securities Investment Fund approved the reply and joins the Fund raising, to raise. In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, the Fund contract had come into effect on September 2, 2011, Fund Manager at that date officially openedBegan for operation management of Fund assets. Fund managers ensure that the prospectuses is true, accurate and complete.  The prospectuses approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, but approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on the funds raised, does not mean that the value of the Fund and income making substantive judgments or warranty, does not mean no risk of investing in this Fund. The funds invested inSecurities markets, funds due to factors such as stock market volatility fluctuations, investors in front of the investments of the Fund, should be fully aware of the Fund's product features, give full consideration to their ability to take risks, reason to tell, and assuming all kinds of risks arising in the Fund investment, including but not limited to: market risk, management risk, operational risk, the fund-specific risks and otherRisk, and so on.  Past performance does not indicate the future performance of the Fund, Fund Manager performance management of other funds does not constitute a guarantee on the Fund's performance. Fund Manager in accordance with dedication, honesty and credibility, careful diligence principles of management and use of funds and property, but does not guarantee that the funds profits, does not guarantee a minimum income. Fund managers advise investorsFund investment "buyer pays" principles, after the investors to make investment decisions, and fund investment risk caused by changes in operating conditions with the net value of the Fund, by the investors themselves. Fund Manager performance management of other funds does not constitute a guarantee on the Fund's performance. Investment risk, investors in the investment of the Fund should be read carefully before the Fund prospectuses and Fund contracts。 The prospectuses and fund trustee information updates section has been trustee of the Fund for review.  The content contained in the prospectuses deadline is March 1, 2012, net relevant financial data and performance deadline is December 31, 2011. Fund management, Fund Manager profile name: penghua fund management company limitedLocation: 168th fuhua road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Shenzhen International Chamber of Commerce Center 43-storey office address: 168th, fuhua road, Futian District, Shenzhen City, 43 floor, Shenzhen International Chamber of Commerce Center: 518,048 legal representative: how about began: December 22, 1998, approved the establishment of bodies and approval number: China SyndromeRegulatory Commission Securities Commission-based [1998]31 organizational form: limited liability company registered capital: Yi Yi Wu Qian $ duration: continuing operations Tel: 0755-82021102 fax: 0755-82021155 contact: static stock ownership structure: main Officer 1, fund managementHow about who the Board members, Chairman, master, senior accountant, nationality: Chinese. Former China electronics Shenzhen Company Finance Director and Deputy Chief Accountant, Chief Accountant, Executive Vice President, General Manager and Party Secretary, Shenzhen Development Bank Assistant Governor, Deputy Governor, members of the Party Committee, Deputy Chairman of the Board, President and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, serving guosen securitiesCompany directors, party secretaries, penghua Fund Management Ltd. Mr Hu Jizhi, Director, doctor of philosophy in finance, Senior Economist, nationality: Chinese. Former PBC Wuhan Branch Office Director, Deputy Director, Director of the Institute of finance, head of Office of the people's Bank of China, Shenzhen branch, Assistant to the General Manager of Shenzhen Stock Exchange jianbanOffice, Secretary General of the Council, planning Director, Director and Secretary of the discipline Inspection Commission, the members of the Party Committee, Deputy General Manager, current Chief guosen securities company limited, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee. Mr Sun Yuyang, Director, doctor of Economics, nationality: Chinese. Former Director of the Guizhou Provincial Government economic reform Committee staff member and Deputy Director of Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee policy research Office of CPC, the Shenzhen Securities Clearing CorporationExecutive Vice President, Executive Director of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Sham, Shum Yip Holdings Company Limited of Hong Kong, Assistant General Manager, Deputy General Manager of China's high-tech industry investment management Ltd, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, penghua fund management, Director, President, incumbent guosen securities Vice President. MassimoMazziNI, Director, Bachelor of science in economics and business studies. Nationality: Italy. Arthur Andersen engaged in risk management and asset management, former Director of CAAIPGSGR investment, CAAMAISGR and CAAIPGSGR Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer, Credit Agricole asset management investment Deputy Director, agricultural credit and alternative investment group internationalAsset Management AG, Member of the Executive Committee of Ou Licheng capital investment programmes and investment Director, Epsilon, Chief Executive of asset management AG, current Ou Licheng capital AG Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, at the same time head of the Ou Licheng AI, Chief Executive of asset management AG. Mr AlessandroVaraldo tera power leveling, Director, PhD in economics and business management, country: Italy. Former Milan group FinanzaeFuturoFondiSprind, Deutsche Bank AG Investment Management Department of senior bonds and cash position of the Fund Manager, IMIFideuram asset management AG investment management head of fixed income portfolio and cash management, Financial and bank investment company of S?o Paulo, head of marketing, Capitalia AG and head of Sales Department, Managing Director of Capitalia investment management AG, UnicreditHolding financial risk management Italy, head of corporate risk management, Ou Licheng capital asset management equity, Ou Licheng capital joint-stock company directors, Secretary, Chief Marketing Officer, currently Italy United Sao Paulo bank savings, head of Department of investment and pension products. Mr Shi Jichun, independent Director, doctor of laws, nationality: Chinese. Former University lecturer, associate professor at Renmin University in Anhui Province, current Professor of Renmin University of China law school, doctoral students, State CouncilBenefits expert, head of the economic law of China Law Society Association, Vice President of the Beijing Municipal People's Congress and Adviser, Member of the Law Committee of the Beijing Municipal People's Government. Mr Li Xiangqi, independent directors, Senior Economist, researcher, nationality: Chinese. Former Shanxi provincial party Committee policy research Office of the Secretary, the Office of provincial Commissioner of finance and trade, Deputy Director, Member of the economic system in Shaanxi ProvinceDeputy Secretary and Deputy Director, and Secretary, Director, Chairman of the securities regulation Committee of Shaanxi Province, China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Party Secretary, Director of SEC Office of Jinan, Jinan Secretary for inspection, certification Bureau in Shandong province, Member of the Board and Director of the Committee of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Song Hong, independent Director, PhD in economics, nationality: Chinese. United States Colombia UniversityVisiting scholar, and worked in Shaanxi Provincial Academy of social sciences, currently Director of the Research Office of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of world economics and politics of international trade, researcher, Professor and doctoral supervisor. Huang Shanduan, independent Director, master of law, nationality: Chinese. Former Macau University of science and technology law school lecturer of civil law and commercial law in China, Li Chen Cheng's Adviser on law firms in China, duweilubo internationalOffice of the law firm Hong Kong, Director of China Affairs, German law firm lawyer in Guangdong, current sea port in Guangdong foreign legal Director at law firm. 2, members of the Supervisory Board of fund managers, Feng Sun, Chairman of the Board of supervisors, master's degree in international finance, senior accountant, Chinese Institute of certified public accountants, nationality: Chinese. Former Deputy Director of the Economic Research Institute in Wuhan City, in Wuhan CityDeputy Director of the Bureau, Deputy Manager of the Wuhan friendship copy machine manufacturing company, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of finance and enterprise finance and Director of the Office of the Director, Deputy Directors, Chairman and Party Secretary of Shenzhen Commercial Bank, Shenzhen development bank directors, party secretaries, penghua Fund Management Ltd, General party branch Secretary, incumbent penghua fund management, Chairman of the Board of supervisors. AndrMr eaVismara, a supervisor, Bachelor of law, lawyers, nationality: Italy. In Italy a number of law firms as a solicitor, in France the agricultural credit group Credit Agricole asset management, products development division of the Department of Justice, Ou Licheng governance and equity Division of capital asset management AG, now Ou Licheng capital asset management AG transportBattalion headquarters. Mr Huang Yu, a supervisor, postgraduate qualifications, nationality: Chinese.  Has worked in rural land company, Chia Tai finance company, penghua Fund Management Co Ltd Managing Director, serving North rongxin Shenzhen investment development Ltd. Soupault, staff supervisor, PhD, nationality: Chinese. Former Deputy Director of the Institute of Shenzhen Special economic zone securities company, investmentFinance Manager, fund management, investment and research fellows of the Department of the South, customer service supervisor, General Manager of Western financial center tera power leveling, Assistant to the Director of channel services II, e Fund management, information technology, General Manager Assistant; in November 2008 to join penghua fund management company, penghua fund management, Agency finance manager, currently serving. Liu Huihong woman, Staff supervisor, Bachelor, nationality: Chinese.  Has worked in ICBC Shenzhen branch, ping an securities company, in December 1998 joined penghua fund management limited, serving penghua fund management, Deputy General Manager of the Department of registration and settlement.  How about 3, senior management, Board Chairman, resume the former. Deng Zhaoming, ChiefThe Conference, doctor of Economics, lecturer, nationality: Chinese.  Former Beijing Institute of technology College of management and economics lecturer and Director of the China North Industries Corporation staff member, the Director of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the South Fund management, Deputy General Manager, current penghua fund management, LLC, General party branch Secretary. Mr Gao Yang, Vice President, master of Economics, CFA, nationality: Chinese.Former investment manager of China International Capital Corporation Limited Note, Boshi fund management limited fair value when growth funds, fixed income fund manager, General Manager, yuze Fund Manager of the Fund, Yulong Fund, the Fund Manager, General Manager of equity Department, current penghua fund management Vice President. Mr CAO Yi, Vice President of Economics, nationality: Chinese. In the pastGuangzhou Branch of the people's Bank staff member, Deputy Director of the people's Bank of China Shenzhen branch of the Centre staff member, southern Fund Management Ltd, Deputy Director of marketing and Director of channels, current penghua fund management Vice President. Mr Hu Xiang, Vice President, master of Economics, nationality: Chinese. Former National Council for Social Security Fund Investment Department, Deputy Director of the foreign investment DepartmentMember, staff member, Director, Deputy Director, penghua fund management, Assistant to the Chief Executive, current penghua fund management Vice President. Mr bi Guo-Qiang, Vice President, chartered financial analyst, MBA, nationality: Chinese. Successive Wen Chong shipyard in Guangzhou Sales Department ships section tera gold, United States King Shun Group Canada AIMTrimark investment management limitedAnalysis Division, the China Securities Regulatory Commission funds research around regulatory Department, penghua fund management, Assistant to the Chief Executive, current penghua fund management Vice President. Xiangjiaba, Inspector General, master of Economics, nationality: Chinese. Successive Boshi fund management limited monitoring legal compliance audit manager, penghua fund management, monitoring, supervision and auditing Department Deputy General Manager inspectionNuclear, General Manager, the employee's supervisor.  Current Inspector General penghua fund management limited, monitoring the General Manager of the Audit Department. 4, the Fund Manager Mr Fang Nan, nationality of China, master of business administration, 10 security experience. Has served in a Hangzhou hengsheng electronic company limited, Shanghai new digital technology co., Ltd. In November 2001 to join Peng Wah KaiGolden Management Ltd, former Department of financial engineering, financial Assistant to the General Manager of the Engineering Department, Peng, a researcher at China's CSI 300 index Securities Investment Fund Manager Assistant. Since February 2010 as the ROC 500 index securities investment fund manager of central China, since August 2010 serves as Peng enterprises in China with the Shanghai composite 50ETF and joins the Fund Manager of the Fund, 20September 11 served as ROC China Shenzhen Stock Exchange private and ETF funds join fund managers.  Mr Fang Nan Fund qualifications.  The former Fund Manager of the Fund: September 2011 funds since the entry into force of the contract by Mr Fang Nan as the Fund Manager of the Fund. The fund managers managing other funds: February 2010-present by gojkMr Peng central China stock exchange index 500 fund managers.  August 2010-present served as Peng enterprises in China with the Shanghai composite 50ETF and joins the fund managers of the Fund.  Starting in September 2011 serves as penghua private join Fund ETF Fund Manager in Shenzhen Stock Exchange.  In the reporting period the fund managers have not changed. 5 investment policy Committee membersDeng Zhaoming, penghua fund management, LLC, General party branch Secretary.  Mr Gao, penghua fund management company Vice President.  Mr Ji Hongtao, penghua fund management, investment Department General Manager, penghua Fund Portfolio Manager. Mr Cheng Shijie, penghua Fund Management Department General Manager, penghua fund managementValue advantage Fund Manager of the Fund.  Mr Huang Xin, penghua fund management, fund management, Vice General Manager, penghua dynamic growth fund manager of the Fund.  Winter Lady, penghua fund management, fixed income, General Manager, penghua fund portfolio managers, penghua Fund money market fund managers and rich Bond Fund Manager. Jun Yang, Peng HuaResearch Department General Manager, penghua fund management limited Pratt fund managers.  6, such persons do not exist between close relatives. Second, the custodian of the Fund name: China Construction Bank Corporation residence: 25th, financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing Office address: main street, Xicheng District, Beijing city, 1th floor, 1thLegal representative: Wang Hongzhang date: September 17, 2004, organized a joint stock limited company registered capital: three II suspects connection Bai Bai joined the land of millions of LXXXIII picker suspects acquired during zero LXXXIII thousand Yuan Restaurant: sustainable management fund managed qualification approval and document number: China securities regulatory base [1998]12, contact: yindongTel: 67,595,003-China Construction Bank Corporation has a long history of operating, its predecessor "China Construction Bank" was established in 1954, in 1996, renamed "China Construction Bank". China Construction Bank is one of China's four major commercial banks. China Construction Bank Corporation was made by the China Construction Bank in 2004September the Division was established, inheriting the original business and related assets and liabilities of commercial banks of China Construction Bank. China Construction Bank listed on the main Board of the stock exchange on October 27, 2005 in Hong Kong, is China's first overseas bank to go public in the four major commercial banks. On September 11, 2006, and first h shares of China Construction Bank Corporation joined the Hang SengIndices. September 25, 2007, China Construction Bank shares listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and began trading.  A-shares after the release of total number of issued shares of China Construction Bank: 250,010,977,486. As of September 30, 2011, the China Construction Bank with total assets of 117,723. 3 billion yuan, representing a growth of 8. 90%. Nine months ended September 30, 2011, China Construction Bank net profit of 1,392. $ 700 million, representing a growth of 25. 82%. Annualised return on average assets was 1. 64%, weighted average annualised Roe was 24. 82%. Net income from interest 2,230. $ 1 billion, representing a growth of 22.41%. Net interest margin of 2. 56% and net interest yield of 2. 68%, respectively over a year earlier to 0. 21 and 0. 23%. Fees and Commission net income of 687. $ 9.2 billion, representing a growth of 41.  31%. China Construction Bank in mainland China with 1. More than more than 30,000 branches in Hong Kong, and Singapore, FrankFu, Johannesburg, New York, Tokyo, Seoul, Sydney and Ho Chi Minh City branches, Moscow, Taipei representative office, overseas institutions to cover 13 countries and regions, completed basic network layout in the major financial centres in the world, 24 hour uninterrupted service capabilities and basic services has taken shape. China Construction Bank to build, establish village banks 33, with the China Construction Bank in Asia, CCB International Bank London, Jianxin facility, built in financial leasing, building trust, jianxinrenshou, de housing savings banks, such as a number of subsidiaries, to provide integrated comprehensive financial services further reinforced. China Construction Bank is supported by market and industry and widely recognized. The first half of 2011, China Construction Bank mainInternational rankings place continues to rise, has won the domestic and foreign well-known institutions to grant more than 50 important awards. China Construction Bank in the United Kingdom the banker 2011 "World Bank brand top 500" ranks 10th in last year, up 3; the United States ranks 108th in the Fortune Global 500 last year, up 8. China Construction Bank for the third consecutiveYear of the Asian corporate governance journal issued by the Hong Kong "Asian corporate governance annual awards", has won the Asian financial services and the Treasury, the European currency, issued by the "best bank in China" and "China best domestic bank" and "best private bank in China" awards. Managed services for investment in China Construction Bank head office is located, under the integrated system, Fund, Assets managed by the Marketing Department, QFII custody, fund accounting, Fund liquidation and investments managed by the Department, the supervision and Audit Department team managed services team, foreign assets accounting team, pensions, pension managed market team, backup center in Shanghai 12 function rooms, team, existing staff of more than 130 people. Since 2008, China Construction Bank managed business continuitySAS70 audits and have become a regular means of internal control. Principal officer Yang Xinfeng, Deputy General Manager of investments managed services, previously worked at Jiangsu provincial branch, Guangdong provincial branch of China Construction Bank, China Construction Bank Head Office Accounting Department, the Department of management, has long been engaged in planning and finance, accounting, operations management and so on, has a wealth of customerServices and business management experience.  Ji Wei, Deputy General Manager of investments managed services, previously worked at Nantong branch of China Construction Bank, China Construction Bank, Head Office of planning and Finance Department, credit management Department, Business Department, engaged in customer management and customer service work, has extensive experience in customer service and business management. Zhang Junhong, VP of investments managed servicesActing, previously worked at Qingdao branch of China Construction Bank, China Construction Bank, retail business division, consumer banking division, Office of the Governor, has long been engaged in the retail business and individual deposits, such as business management, with extensive experience in customer service and business management. Fund custody business operations as the first offering of securities investment fund managed commercial banks,China Construction Bank has been uphold the principle of "customer-centric" business philosophy, continue to enhance risk management and internal control, strict implementation of the duties of the custodian, safeguard the assets of the legitimate interests of the holder, for the assets managed services provide clients with high quality. After years of steady development, China Construction Bank managed assets has been expanding, managed business continues to increase,Formation including securities investment funds, pension funds, insurance funds, personal account, QFII, Enterprise basic old-age pension products, managed the system, managed business is currently the one of the most complete variety of commercial banks. As at December 31, 2011, China Construction Bank managed 224 securities investment fund. China Construction Bank of professional and efficient managed serviceCapacity and operational level, won a high degree of recognition in the industry.  In 2011, the China Construction Bank to score the first score by authoritative international magazine global custodian, as 2011 "best managed Bank in China" and hexun.com 2011 China "best assets managed Bank" award. Three, related services, institutional fund sales institutions 1, ShenPurchase redemption agents brokers 1) guosen securities company limited address: hongling road, Luohu district, Shenzhen 1012th guosen securities building, legal representative: how about Tel: 0755-82130833 fax: 0755-82133952 contact: Qi Xiaoyan customer service phone: 95,536 website: www. guosen. com. CN 2) China Galaxy securities company domicile: 35th financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing international business building, block c, Office address: 35th international financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing enterprises, building c, legal representative: Gu Weiguo Tel: 010-66568,430 fax: 010-66568532 contact: Tian Wei Web site: www. chinastock. com. CN 3) shenyin wanguo company home: 171th changshou road, Shanghai office address: the 171th changshou road, Shanghai, the legal representative: Ding Guorong Tel: 021-54047892 contact person: Cao ye customer service phone: or 95,523 calls a delegate: 021-962505 website: www. sywg.. Com 4) haitong securities company limited address: No. 689 Guangdong road, Shanghai office address: Shanghai and GuangdongRoad No. 689, legal representative: Wang Kaiguo Tel: 021-23219275 contact: Li Xiaoming customer service phone: 95,553 website: www. htsec. Com 5) Hongyuan securities company limited address: wenyi road, No. 233 in Urumqi, Xinjiang Office address: Beijing West19th city in Taipingqiao Street, legal representative: Feng Rong Tel: 010-88085201 contact: Li Wei customer service phone: 4008-000-562 website: www. hysec. Com 6) guangfa securities company limited address: Tianhe Road, Tianhe district, Guangzhou 183-18Metropolis square 43, 7th floor, Office address: Tianhe North Road, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, 5, 18, 19, 36, 38, 41, 42, building legal representatives: Lin Zhihai contact person: Huang Lan Tel: 020-87555888 fax: 020-87553600 customer service: 95,575Web site: www. gf. com. CN 7) Changjiang securities company limited registered address: Xinhua road, Wuhan Changjiang securities building, 8th Office address: Xinhua road, Wuhan Changjiang securities building, 8th on the legal representative: Hu Yunzhao Tel: 027-65799999 fax: 027-85481900 contact: Li Liang customer service phone: or 95,579 website: www. 95,579. Com 8) founder Securities Limited home: overseas Chinese international second Middle Furong road, Changsha, Hunan, 22-24 Office address: second part of Furong road in Changsha city, Hunan province overseas Chinese international hotel 22-24 legal representative: Lei Jie contact: Guo Junrui Tel: 0731-85832503 customer service: 95,571 website: www. foundersc. Com 9) EMC Corporation company limited accommodation: Allianz building, jintian road, Futian District, Shenzhen, No. 2222 34, 28 A02 Office address: Allianz building, jintian road, Futian District, Shenzhen, No. 2222 34, 28 layers A02 China Phoenix building, shennan road, Futian District, Shenzhen, No. 2008-1, the legal representative: bovine Tel: 0755-82825551 fax: 0755-82558355 contact: Chen Jianhong customer service phone: 4,008,001,001 website: www. essence. com. CN 10) Bohai securities company limited address: Tianjin economic and technological development zone, Office, room 101, Second Avenue, 42nd Office address: 8th guest water West Road Nankai district Tianjin, statutoryRepresentative: Du Qingping contact: Wang Zhaoquan Tel: 022-28451861 fax: 022-28451892 website: wwww. bhzq. Com 11) China Everbright securities company limited accommodation: 1508th Jingan Xinzha road, Shanghai office address: Shanghai Jingan Xinzha Road 1No. 508, legal representatives: Xu Haoming Tel: 021-22169081 fax: 021-68817271 contact: Liu Chen customer service phone: 95,525 website: www. ebscn. Com 12) Qi Lu securities limited shelter: road, Jinan City, Shandong province86th Office address: road, Jinan City, Shandong province, 86th, legal representative: Li Wei phone: 0531-68889157 contact: Lin Wang customer service phone: 95,538 website: www. qlzq. com. CN 13) China Merchants securities company limited shelter: deepShenzhen Jiangsu building yitian road, Futian District, 38-45 address: Jiangsu building yitian road, Futian District, Shenzhen, 38-45 legal representative: Shaolin Tel: 0755-82960223 contact: Lin Sheng customer service phone: 95,565 website: www. newone. com. CN 14) industrial securities company limited shelter: legal representative, Lake Road, Fuzhou No. 268: lanrong Office address: 1199 Minsheng road, Pudong zendai wudaokou square 21 floor, 1th floor, phone: 021-38565785 fax: 021-38565955 contact: Xie GaoCustomer service phone: 95,562 website: www. xyzq. com.  CN 2, secondary market transactions including brokerage agents brokers ' qualifications and membership of all securities companies in Shenzhen Stock Exchange. 3, the Fund Manager may in accordance with the relevant legal and regulatory requirements, selecting other qualified sales agent-basedGold and notices in a timely manner. Registration and clearing institution China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation residence: 17th Taipingqiao Dajie, Xicheng District, Beijing Office address: Taipingqiao Dajie, Xicheng District, Beijing, the legal representative, 17th: Jin Ying Tel: 0755-25938081 fax: 0755-25987132-8,081 contact: Lai Xingwen law firm law firm Beijing Kindu homes: East third ring road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 40, block a, Beijing Fortune Plaza office building, 7th floor office address: East third ring road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 40, block a, Beijing Fortune Plaza office building, 7th floor in charge: Wang Ling Tel: 0755-22,163,333 fax: 0755-22163390 contact: Song Ping-ping Manager lawyer: Jin Qingjun, Song Ping-ping accounting firm name: PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian certified public accountants Ltd Home: Lujiazui ring road, Pudong new area, Shanghai 1318th DBS building, 6 floor, Office address: lakeside road, Shanghai CityPWC Center 11/f, No. 202 legal representative: Yang Shaoxin Tel: 23,238,888 fax: 23.2388 million contact: Yi Jin Manager Accountant: Xue Jing Yi Jin four, fund name, fund name: Shenzhen Stock Exchange-private transactions of five open-ended index securities investment fund, fund typeType of Fund: this Fund to deal-open stock-fund VI, closely track the investment objective of the Fund is the subject of indicators, pursuit track deviation and tracking error is minimized. Seven, the range of investment funds of the Fund primarily invest in the constituent stocks of the index shares and options. In addition, to better achieve the investment objectives, the Fund to invest a small amount of non-standardIndex of stocks, shares, bonds and legal regulations, and China Securities Regulatory Commission allows funds of other instruments.  Or regulators such as laws and regulations allow, the Fund Manager may, after due process to adjust the above investment, or emerging allows other varieties of Fund investments into investment areas. Eight, the investment strategy of the Fund of funds using passiveIndex investing method, in accordance with the constituent stocks in the benchmark index in the base weight of the construction of the index portfolio, and according to the subject-index shares and adjusted weights change. Occurs when expected shares to adjust or shares rights issue, issuance, dividends, and other acts, or for purchase, and withdrawal of funds on this subject-index funds tracking results when possible, Or when due to some special circumstances lead to a lack of liquidity, or other causes cannot effectively copying and tracking when the benchmark index, fund managers can make appropriate modifications and adjustments to portfolio management, seeking to reduce tracking error. The Fund to track to deviate from the absolute value of a day not more than 0. 1%, track error not more than 2% years. As a result of index rulesLead tracking deviations from and tracking error or other factors beyond this scope, fund managers should take reasonable measures to avoid track deviation, tracking error and further expanded.  1, building the portfolio construction process of fund portfolio is divided into three main steps: determining the target group, develop strategies for positions and step by step combinations. The Fund takes a full replication methodSubject combinations, the main subject-index shares and options for the scope of investment shares. Subject-index shares of fund managers analyze factors such as liquidity and transaction costs, make reasonable positions of policy and fund within 3 months from the date of entry into force of the contract reached proportion of investment contract. Since then, as a result of adjustment of the constituent stocks of the benchmark index, the Fund to purchase or redeem bring cashAnd other factors cause the Fund does not comply with this investment, fund managers will be adjusted within 10 business days. 2, ongoing portfolio management can cause a tracking error tracking and analysis of various factors: fund managers on the constituent stocks of the benchmark index adjustments, changes in equity, dividend and stop/resume trading, changes in market liquidity, the standard method of compiling the index, baseClose tracking of gold purchase, redeem the situation on a daily basis, and other factors, analysis of their impact on index tracking.  Adjustment of portfolios: models using quantitative analysis, optimization of combination of adjustment programmes, and adjust the portfolio with automated index trading system, to better track the benchmark index's purpose. Preparation of purchase, redeem and bulletin list: t-1st Fund certificateBased on coupons and, according to announcements of listed companies, taking into account the possibility of t-day changes of listed companies, purchase, call list and notice of preparation of t-day. 3, regular portfolio management funds Manager portfolios management on a regular basis, mainly completed the following matters: regularly attribution portfolio tracking error analysis, developing improvement programmes;According to the establishment and adjustment of the benchmark index notices, developing portfolio adjustment programmes under fund management contract of the Fund, the custody fee payment requirements, check the ratio of cash in the portfolio in a timely manner, monthly cash payments to prepare. 4, daily investment performance evaluation of fund performance assessment, primarily to evaluate track deviation of;At the end of each month, financial engineering group on quantitative evaluation of the operation of the Fund; at the end of each month, fund managers according to the evaluation report, focusing on analysis of Fund tracking deviations from cause, cash control and tracking error adjustment, subject index constituent stocks of the stock before and after the operations, the future changes. Nine, fund performance baseline benchmark index, that is,Shenzhen stock exchange price index of private.  When the index changes, performance baseline changes with, fund managers should be after the consent of the custodian of the Fund, the China Securities Regulatory Commission for the record and notice. Ten, the risk-return characteristics of the Fund belonging to equity funds of the Fund and its expected risk and return is higher than the hybrid funds, bond funds and money market funds,For securities investment fund in the varieties of higher expected risk, higher expected returns.  At the same time the Fund transactions open index fund, subject-index tracking with full replication method, with the benchmark index and is the subject of similar risk and return characteristics of the company represented by the index. XI, investment portfolio reporting this Board of Directors and Managing Director of fund management that this reportInformation contained in there is no recorded false, misleading statements or significant omissions, and on the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the content of individual and joint and several liability. China Construction Bank Corporation under this Fund managed fund contract, on January 16, 2012 financial index of the review in the present report, net worth and portfolio performance reporting and other contentTo ensure review content is not present false, misleading statements or records a significant omission.  Financial data contained in this report as at December 31, 2011. 1 asset portfolio, reporting the final note: stock investments included in the above table may return alternative valuation gains 2, reporting the final stock portfolio by industry classification together does not contain a returnAlternative valuation value.  2, reporting the final stock portfolio breakdown by reporting the final index stock portfolio investments by industry category reported the final positive stock portfolio investments by industry classification of the Fund without investing in stocks at the end of the present report. 3, end index of investment according to the fair value of net assets of the FundSorted small detail 4 of top ten stock investment, reported the final positive proportion of investments according to the fair value of net assets of the Fund size sort of detail this top five stock investment fund without a positive investment at the end of this report stock 5, reports the final bond portfolio classified by bond fund without a bond at the end of the present report. 6, the endFair value of net assets of the Fund ranks top five bond investment details of the Fund without a bond at the end of the present report.  7, according to the fair value of net assets of the Fund at the end of the report ranked top ten in size details of asset-backed securities investment fund not holdings of asset-backed securities at the end of the present report. 8, according to the fair value of the Fund at the end of the report-fundedNet worth ratio warrants investments details the size ranking of the top five funds without a warrant at the end of the present report.  9, the report notes the portfolio on June 15, 2011, one of the top ten of the investments of the fund securities China Baoan Shenzhen Stock Exchange issuers China Baoan group bulletin disposition decisions about content. The funds are ETFFunds, primarily in the constituent stocks of the index shares and options, and the stock is private price index component stocks, investment range, according to the product characteristics and the investment requirements after the establishment of the Fund, investments in this stock, investment decision-making procedures of the stock meets the requirements of relevant laws and regulations. Top ten of the investments of the Fund during the reporting period in the securities of other securitiesNo release investigation by regulators, or within one year before the report was publicly denounced, punished the stock.  During the reporting period the top ten stocks within the Fund of funds investment contract alternative stock library. Other assets held in the end details of convertible bonds into shares of the Fund does not hold at the end of the present reportConvertible bonds into shares.  End index investment restricted circulation in the top ten stock index at the end of the present report of the Fund investment by following the top ten stocks do not exist in limited circulation.  Active investment flows in the top five at the end of the report a limited description of the Fund without investing in stocks at the end of the present report. Portfolio reportTell other text of the note describes why some due to rounding, portfolio reporting and digital in and there may be a difference between the total. 12 fund managers, fund performance is committed to the principle of good faith and diligent conscientious management and use of funds and property, but does not guarantee that the funds profits. Fund performance in the past does not mean its future performance.Investment risk, investors in making investment decisions should be read carefully before the Fund prospectuses. 1, the Fund's investment performance of the Fund since the entry into force of the contract and benchmark comparison with the same period as shown in the following table: 2, the Fund contract since the entry into force of the net value of the Fund share changes over time, and compare performance baseline changes over the same period: Note 1: Shenzhen Stock Exchange-private transactionsOpen index securities investment fund contract came into effect on September 2, 2011; note 2: performance baseline = private price index; note 3: this Fund deadline is December 31, 2011. 13, fund fees and taxes fee category 1, Fund Manager of the Fund management fee; 2, Fund TrusteesHosting fee, 3, the property fund set aside to pay bank charges; 4, funds fund information disclosure after the entry into force of the contract costs, 5, the Fund share holders general meeting costs; 6, after the entry into force of the contract relating to the funds of the Fund accountant fees and Attorney's fees; 7, securities of the Fund transactions costs, 8, the listing fees and annual fees of the Fund, 9, the FundAfter the entry into force of the contract which is the subject of the index license fee, 10, the charges in the distribution of the income of the Fund, 11, the property of the Fund shall be allocated according to the law of other costs.  Above by the Fund Manager of the Fund in the context of legal provisions references determine fair market prices, when otherwise provided by the laws and regulations if they are required. Cost calculating method, withdrawal of the FundAnd payment management fee of 1, fund managers normally, the Fund management fee on the day before the Fund's net asset value of 0. 5% rates. Calculated as follows: management charge ÷ h is the number of days in the year H=Ex year daily e Fund management fees should be made the day before the net asset value of the Fund management fee made daily, monthlyPay.  Sent by the trustee to the Fund of fund managers huafu fund management fees orders, review Fund managed in time within 5 business days from the first day of the month property in the one-time payments from the Fund to the Fund Manager, in case of statutory holidays, rest days, paid date extended. Custodian 2, funds managed under normal circumstances, the Fund managed by the day before the funds net assetsValue of 0. 1% rates. Calculated as follows: managed rate ÷ h is the number of days in the year H=Ex year daily should be made the day before the funds managed e-funds equity fund managed account on a daily basis, paid monthly. Sending funds to funds managed by fund managers who managed huafu instructions, review Fund managed in the first day of the month after 5Within one business day from a one-time payment in the property of the Fund to the Fund trustee, in case of statutory holidays, rest days, paid date extended. 3, the benchmark index licensing fees typically, benchmark index license fee according to the previous day of the Fund's net asset value 0. 3% rates. Calculated as follows: H=Ex-year benchmark index licensing rates ÷H is the number of days in the year should be made the subject of daily index e license fees for the day before the net asset value of the Fund benchmark index licensing fees made on a daily basis, paid quarterly. Sent by the trustee to the Fund of fund managers subject index permits the use of transfer instructions, review Fund managed to within 5 business days from the first day of the second quarter after one-time drawn from the property Fund, in case ofStatutory holidays, rest days, paid date postponed.  Index of suppliers on the basis of the corresponding index change benchmark index license license agreement when using the rates and method of calculation, Fund Manager required in accordance with the relevant provisions at the latest before the new rates and billing practice 2nd notice on the specified media. 4, subject to management fees, hosting fees and the benchmark index beyond the license fee basedGold cost, managed by the Fund under the relevant regulations and other relevant provisions of the agreement, payment of the expense amount, included or assessed contributions to fund expenses in the current period. Not included in the cost of funds the project Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund because of failure to comply or do not completely fulfil their obligations expense as a result of loss of property or funds, and deal with matters not related to fund operationsCost does not include funds such as.  Fund disclosures that occurred before the entry into force of the contract fees, legal fees and accounting fees and other charges are not paid out of Fund assets. Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund according to fund development rate adjustment fund management and Fund custody rates. Fund managers must be no later than 2 days before the date the new rate of implementation in the publication of a notice specifying the media.Fund tax funds and the Fund share holders in accordance with provisions of national laws and regulations, comply with tax obligations. 14, on recruitment manual update section description of the fund managers on the basis of the People's Republic of China Securities Investment Fund law, the measures for the administration of securities investment funds, and the sales management of securities investment funds, the securities investment fund lawIncome disclosure regulations and other provisions of the relevant laws and regulations, combined with the fund managers on the implementation of the Fund's investment management activities, the Fund Manager to the Fund prospectuses of the original announcement was updated, major content updates are as follows: 1, in the "important note" section clear the updated contents of the prospectuses of due date, and due date for the relevant financial data。  2, the "third, fund managers" section has been updated.  3, the "four, Fund custodians" section has been updated.  4, the "five, related service" content has been updated.  5, "six, fund raising and Fund contract," content is updated. 6, "seven, Fund share conversion and changeRemember "content is updated.  7, the "eight, the trading of shares of the Fund" content has been updated.  8, the "nine, purchase and redemption of fund shares" section has been updated. 9, in the "ten, the investments of the Fund" chapter, an increase of portfolio relevant parts of the report, data as at date of December 31, 2011.10, new "11, fund performance" a chapter on investment performance, data as at the date to December 31, 2011.  11, the "17, fund information disclosure" section has been updated.  12, "21, Fund Trusteeship Agreement summary" section has been updated. 13, as the Fund Manager investmentCapital services measures to further improve, "22, the services of the Fund share holders" chapter update service-related content.  14, "23, other disclosure matters" chapter has been updated. Penghua fund management limited on April 14, 2012 Others:

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