Wednesday, April 4, 2012

tera gold this will lead to what effect - NJW

129771823083843560_37According to the voice of the global Chinese language broadcasting network reported, Australia was known as sitting on a mine car country, rich in mineral resources, oil and gas.  For many years Australia rely on underground resources in exchange for a steady stream of wealth. Last year, Australia export amount up to us $ 200.9 billion of resources and energy, 2011 Australia exports72%. But even so, the Australian Government still does not satisfy, believe that mining enterprises tax paid too little.  This week, Australia Senate passed the "mineral resources rent tax bill", this will lead to what effect? Australia mineral resources lease tax on mineral resource rent tax on July 1 has been is Australia has been a topic of dispute, it is understood thatIn the night of the 19th, Australia mineral resources rent tax bill to 38-32 vote by vote of the Senate. In accordance with the relevant provisions, Australia this year tera power leveling, the Government will begin on July 1 imposed on large mining enterprises of coal and mineral resources of the two classes of iron ore resource rent tax, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has said it would make Australia a profound economic reform in history,Girard also says the measures are designed to operate in Australia's largest miners of the large part of profits tax, making music and Australia proceeds from land resources can be more particularly poorer Australia enjoyed the people, build a more fair and equal economic model. As the Australia Government think of some large mining companies in the course of production costA lot of water resources, intensive public facilities, so it should be tax to the Federal Government. At the end of 2009, the then Australian Treasury Department Secretary-GeneralAnd he said this would increase each year for the Australian Federal Government a $ billions of tax revenue. And the Bill can be passed by the Senate is reflected in three main areas, since the first was many years Australia miners get record profits and profit margins, but there are also a large number of foreign capital in the operation and that some big enterprises or holds a stake, makes quite a lot of revenue streamOut of Australia. In response to the financial crisis on the one hand, Australia Government has launched massive economic stimulus plan, country's financial burden is greater in recent years has been in the red, because the votes to achieve another term to consider tera gold, the incumbent Labor Government committed to the national economy in the next financial year revenue surplus, tax increases is to achieve such a goal is important,Is also a very effective way.  The third area, independent legislators formed a coalition Government with the Labour Party and the Green Party lobbying led to the enactment of the Bill. Fortescue tera power leveling, John, or the mining giant was a collection object will launch proceedings Western Australian miners confirmed on 20th, Fortescue metals limited, has already started in respect of the taxes related to the high court litigation consultingDivision, the company spokesman said, minerals resource rent tax is unfair, myopia, numerous invalid will reduce the resources sector investments and employment.  He said the company was on the advisory counsel of Legal Affairs, will start proceedings after the Bill into effect. It is reported that the draft law after the Australia Federal Government will profit more than 75 million Australian dollars in coal and iron ore companiesCollection of mineral resource rent tax, according to this standard, there will be some 30 Australia local mining companies were included in the scope of taxation, international mining giant Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton and Xstrata was the object of taxation, frequently in Australia sell buy mines and enterprises will also be affected. Others:

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