Saturday, April 7, 2012

tera gold team 1 win 1 ranked 5th in Qingdao - RUD

129770905964062500_108SINA sports news Beijing time on March 24, Wanda Plaza Super (micro-blogging) League third round comprehensive war, Dalian shide (micro-blogging) team at home against Qingdao Zhongneng (microblogging), end of the first half the match, 24 minute long took the lead in breaking the Qingdao, 44 minutes, Martin banping penalty score, 85 minutes, Martin picked shooting break, Dalian shideHome 2-1 reversed in Qingdao, achieved the first victory of the season. Different parties start to the League stage, Dalian team ranked 11th 1-1, team 1 win 1 ranked 5th in Qingdao, historical record of League two team 32 times, drove, Dalian of 23 WINS 5-4 defeat. Qingdao, Dalian team at home to keep 15 WINS 1, nearly 7 years at home to keep in QingdaoVictory. This games success team replacement goalkeeper, Zhang 翀 first appearance, Zhao Honglve (micro-blogging) and James appeared in the alternate portfolio. Video highlights-long break Martin penalty kick flip shot Qingdao, Dalian 2-1 inverse media source: SINA sports beginning success in team circle kick, adeliyanuoda directly after the ball turned and shot outside the closed area, Qingdao goalkeeper easily getBall. Then Lu Peng passing errors, success centre-line zone solve the opponent's attack. Then the game entered a stalemate phase, almost all time midfield confrontation between the two sides. The 14 minute, shide team access to front free kick opportunities, Lei Quan arc crane into confusion, success offensive fouls. After 1 minute, and Martin Yan xiangchuang (micro-blogging) Beck, wall-tie, Yanxiang crossing be destroyed each other near the bottom line found its way out of the bottom line.  Success corner was destroyed in Qingdao team immediately launched a quick counterattack, Zhu Jianrong (micro-blogging) restricted the right door by strong detonation, was Zhang 翀 blocking out the bottom line. 24 minutes left of the Qingdao Zhao Mingjian (micro-blogging) rescue failure, restricted area of long small ball turned in foot choushe near the upper left corner into the net, revise the score to 0-1,Backwardness of Dalian shide team arena (click here to watch videos of goals). After the goal, Dalian team attack still does not improve, forming two sidewalk road and has failed to meet. 33 minutes, front left the Qingdao form offensive foot passing success team defense defeat in a row, Middle long ball direct shots, Yang Boyu (micro-blogging) block. After 1 minute, Zhu Jianrong in a restricted area arcDirect long shots in the vicinity, fly up the confiscation. As James alternate, Adriano failed to show man his dagger, and success team has not made it on the offensive for opponents of pressure. 42 minutes, flying Li Zhuang (micro-blogging) accidentally injured in the rescue. 44 minutes tera power leveling, success almost 2 minutes after rolling in, Lu Peng restricted area of students ' kickball, Zhao Mingjian under three defensive player interferenceFell, referee decisive penalty shootout, Martin overnight, score Board of 1-1 (click here to watch videos of goals).  End of the first half the match, 24 minute long took the lead in breaking the Qingdao, 44 minutes, Martin penalty scores banping, 1-1 temporarily playing between the two sides. The second half the two edges, 46 minutes, Liang Guo (micro-blogging) successDefensive dethroned, long shots. 48 minutes, Adriano breakthrough to a restricted area near the line draw fouls, Ricardo free kick shot hit a human wall to be rescue. After 1 minute, Yan xiangchuang Beck, breaking through the crossing, Adriano failed. 53 minutes, Adriano left break outside the closed area violation, Ricardo free kick made confusion within the closed area, Qingdao team goalkeeperDouble fist the ball to hit, Yan xiangchuang outside tampering with long shots, Adriano beat the offside trap, but the ball is not stopped, missed the attacking opportunities.  56 minutes, Adriano Lei Quan gongmen rejection before the right side after a corner kick, the other goalkeeper unconscious ball retaining, shide team offensive first half and improve a lot. 64 minutes after Qingdao long dribble the ball fastSpeed rush, Ricardo behind their fouls were in vain several times, and finally in the restricted area will be on the right side long pull down, causing the latter's strong dissatisfaction. 66 minutes, Lei Quan front left foot shot after teammate inclined students ' kickball, middle, high out of the door. 71 minutes, Qingdao zhichuan, middle, long beat the offside trap and turn and shoot tera gold, post. 80 minutes, James obtained through individuals strive for, But the crossing slightly worse quality. 85 minutes, Dalian shide team finally finds opportunities. Zhao Honglve restricted area of inclined students ' kickball left midfielder, Martin against offside, with goalkeeper out flip shot into the net tera gold, will revise the score to 2-1 (click to see goal video). 92 minutes, success using each other's attack blocked launch quick counterattacks, Zhao Honglve single pole into a restricted area, but his shotGoalkeeper courageously threw herself out by each other. Eventually, the 2-1 reversal of Dalian shide team arena in Qingdao, achieved the first victory of the season. Qingdao 2-1 click to view success techniques and statistics portfolio of Dalian shide team showed up (442): 22-Zhang 翀; 15-Zhao Mingjian, 6-Zhang Yaokun, 23-pudonghe, 5-Yang Boyu; 19-Yan xiangchuang, 21-Lu Peng, 20-Ricardo, 13-Quan Lei (75 minutes, 7-Zhao Honglve); 10-Adriano (75 minutes 11-James), 9-Martin team showed up in Qingdao lineup (4,231): 22-Liu Zhenli; 2-Liang Guo, 32-Lipeng, 3-Leonardo DiCaprio, 13-fly Li Zhuang; 24-Gabriel melkam, 17-Jian, 10-long, 7-Yao Jiangshan (micro-blogging) and 6-yibulajimofu; 15-Zhu Jianrong (baerbaluosa) Others:

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