Thursday, April 19, 2012

tera power leveling eventually to victory 100 - AHC

129784631199428750_68Melon: Madison is one of my sites is a career best performance tonight Yeah sporting April 9: Beijing time on April 9, Nick's home after overtime struggle hard tera power leveling, eventually to victory 100:99 Bull. 48 seconds before the end of the fourth day, Nick behind 3, unexpectedly, stand on the free throw line in succession of Luo er-Deng and rose are two penalties do not, missed the opportunity to lock shengju. Anthony didn't waste the opportunity, hitting key threeDragging the game into extra time. 8.2 seconds before the end of extra time, Anthony, in almost the same position, he again hit three, the games were behind 21 points up to Nick's fantastic fanchao, and eventually won. House competitions, Anthony kick down 43 points, this is after his last February to join Nick on behalf of nicks to play the cut of the highest scores. Extra timeMatch, Anthony after the fanchao scores three points in the vote, of excitement rushed back, accept his teammates celebrate, worship of the audience, jumping out of the four words in his mouth--"This is my house! "(This is my site). After the game, when a reporter in fear, whether Anthony this betrayed his would-be New YorkKing's ambitions, Nick, after all, there are small. Facing reporters ' questions, Anthony sly laughs of the mood is calm: "tonight, at least, this is my site! "Key sphere in drag racing at a crucial time in the game, for Anthony is no stranger to this feeling, but in the game, and at the same time in the fourth section the last minute last minute extra time to hit a key three-part, whichAnthony's career has not happened. His performance in this game, especially the extra time crucial shot tera power leveling, Anthony said: "this is one of the best game of my career, that a ball is hit all of my career in the key ball best ball. After extra time, game is Sunday, broadcast live across the United States, everyone is staring at you, including wheatJ. Madison Square Garden arena for all audiences, which I voted in all of the key ball career, absolute discharge in the forefront. "Today's rival Eastern old bull, Anthony not afraid in the playoffs with the met, he said:" this a playoff level match, we have a chance to win, maybe we will met bull in the playoffs, if we continue to playDown, killed in the playoffs tera gold, so we have a chance to beat the opponent. "In this game, first half, Nick has been down, but they still rely on the strong will, in the case of missing soldier, major general complete reversal. Tyson-Chandler praises team-mates said, "I am proud of my team-mates were able to hold on, we face today are a good team, we know that heThey will continue to fight back, we have experienced ups and downs in the game, but what we do is to keep calm, trust each other, eventually we overcome difficulties, got the victory. �� Others:

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